Nicole: When I finally got my bad self and painful bladder to the offices of a licensed medical professional six weeks ago, they looked at me Very.Sternly. for not having come in immediately. Their message was that these things ascend into the body, and the more involved it gets, the worse off you become. By now you are probably full of antibiotics and on the road to health, so I'll just say: go buy a thermometer and take care of yourself, because we need your spicy goodness.
I imagine Conversation at House of P-C: Uncle, I respect the rules of your home where you have so very graciously allowed me to stay. However, it's important that I tell you that I do have good friends out there on the Internet. That time is valuable to me, and we chat about learned stuff that's sure to help me in life. Tomorrow, why don't I (make offer to take kids somewhere or volunteer to perform some desirable action).
Start with flattery and validation, insert personal wishes, finish up with a wee bribe. Make them feel good and your life gets a little easier. Me, know about managing guilt-tripping families? Why no.