Didn't get to check the board all weekend (I spent yesterday afternoon helping to paint a basement, but I digress), but now that I'm here --
P-C, you're the one who has to live your life. Not your parents. Not your uncle and aunt. You're the one that has to deal with the consequences of what job/career you have, what relationships/marriage you enter into, your religious beliefs, and so on. Nobody else.
That's point one. And at the heart of it all, there is no point two. Only one-A, one-B, and so on.
It sounds like you need your own space. So I'll sign on with those that say you need to move out of your uncle's home. If finances are an issue, you might be able to find a roommate situation.
As badly stressed out as you are, counseling wouldn't hurt. Again, I don't know whether finances are an issue. (Hivemind -- do university Psychology Departments offer free/low-cost services for grad students to obtain experience, much like law schools frequently set up clinics in which budding attorneys gain experience, especially in litigation?)
Someone upthread suggested family counseling. I'm not sure that's a good idea, especially at first. Get your own feelings sorted out and your own feet under you before bringing anyone else into it.
And good luck!
Not only do I have a thermometer, I have THREE.
Raq is me. Also, I have the little heart-shaped stick-on thermometers because sometimes, I'm just too damned squeamish to use the rectal one on my kids.
Usually, though, I just use the kiss-the-forehead technique and I can tell if they're too warm.
I'm calling and getting Owen an appointment somewhere to even out his hair today. I don't care if I have to bribe him with an entire bag of mini m&m's to sit still, I want it fixed.
Olivia slept for 11 hours straight last night. She was the last one awake this morning. yay for well-rested EVERYBODY.
I didn't make it to class today, for which much beating-up is occurring. I was up, but having some trouble with my asthma. Took the inhaler and went to get into my robe to get into the shower and had a full-blown coughing fit. Decided I needed the nebulizer. By the time I was done with that, calmed down, and feeling better, it was too late to even just leave for class. So, as I was exhausted, I crawled back into bed.
The good thing is, we haven't reached the stuff I haven't learned yet. So...I don't know. Feeling crappy (still not breathing great) and feeling like I've done something wrong. Hate that feeling.
Work on breathing, and try to let go of the self-judging. You're not missing anything you haven't covered in your class before, so use this time to rest and recover from the weekend and get your breathing going. It's all good.
Don't beat yourself up and get sucked into a whirlwind sucking vortex of guilt that will fuck up your entire day, and possibly your week. Er, not that I know anything about doing that.
ION, I am seriosuly considering changing my tagline to sub out "FileMaker" for "South Dakota."
Don't beat yourself up and get sucked into a whirlwind sucking vortex of guilt that will fuck up your entire day, and possibly your week. Er, not that I know anything about doing that.
Yeah. I'm trying very hard not to do that. Gonna make my to do list for the day right now.
Too much GRONK this morning. My bones are exhausted.
vw - remember to prioritize that list - don't make yourself crazy with all the little things.
vw - remember to prioritize that list - don't make yourself crazy with all the little things.
Mail cookies to Suzi is on that list. What priority should I give that? ;)
It depends....are the cookies already made? Then SEND NOW. TRANSPORTER AHOY!
YUP! They're all ready to go. See, 'cause I TOTALLY owe you.