Yay for Emily! Also, Helllooooooo, Nurse! to Jen, because if I don't say it now, I may forget later.
The other fun thing is watching wee Sophie toddle after big fuzzy black Mishka. She purrs every time she sees him.
Female kittens have a way of stalking much larger male cats into liking them. This is what Sammie did. After about a week of her being extremely cute in Harvey's direction he started bathing her and playing with her in such a habitual fashion I began to wonder if she were my kitten or his.
Ok. Things I liked about Obama:
1. He said that Catherine Reyes [link] stole the show. He was right (at least in my mind, but I think the girl's pretty amazing), and I thought it was fitting and generous to say that.
2. He joked about the drizzle and the length of his speech.
3. He was very human...told stories about his credit card being denied and a weird old man in a hotel in Pennsylvania.
4. I can just tell that he was idealistic in his youth, and he still clings to some of that.
5. He focused a lot on empathy, and that made me respect him an awful lot.
Back off my Obama! He's minemineminemine.
Oh, and congrats to Emily and Jen!!!!!
Back off my Obama! He's minemineminemine.
Oh, I beg to differ. He's mineallmine! And, I did vote for him and he is my senator, after all.
No fighting, girls. He's all mine. I mean, I saw him live on a big screen and EVERYTHING!
That's why you can't have him, ChiKat. It'd be like double jeopardy, or incest or something. Cashmere, the same goes for you, because everything past Worcester is all the same place, until you hit the west coast (and even then).
vw, don't make me call your parents and tell them you're buying a new convertible.