Nyeeeaahh!!! He mentioned his penis! I so did not need to read that!
And that, my dear P-C, is the real reason it is wrong to eavesdrop. Nevermind what might be said about the illicit listener, bits about body parts are the problem.
In other news, this is me, chortling more or less continuously due to lisah's post. Yes, I am blaming that on her.
ETA: two periods. Punctuation hates me today.
Yes, I am blaming that on her
So much better than most things that get blamed on me!
So, I was driving Em to school and passed by a couple pf work trucks with the name on the side. I thought I misread, so on my way back, I slowed down to read them, and then almost crashed for laughing so hard. I wasn't wrong the first time.
A friend of mine used to pass by a truck with the following written on the side:
Every time I drive down to Memphis, I pass a billboard in Missouri:
Al's Reefer Service
Surrounding that billboard are many billboards for fast food. Of course.
I am eating some sort of almond pastry and I do not know what it is but it is so good! Is it a bear claw? Is that the thing with the sliced almonds on top and the almond cream filling?
vw- I just worked at a soaking we graduation. Bring towels and plastic bags for the chairs. Wipe the chair, put the bag down, then a non-wet towel, then sit. Bring umbrellas and raincoats. Bring a change of clothes, especially shoes/socks.
Did most of that, and ended up only needing the umbrellas for a little drizzle. Yay for proper planning!
Her sister was in a major car wreck yesterday and is hanging on by a thread. Any available temp-sister-health~ma would be appreciated.
Oh, my God, Suzi! That’s awful. Much ~ma headed her way.
Um…I’m sleepy. Big, busy, exciting day. And I need to stop talking. For some reason, I’m just a motor mouth.
vw, motor-mouth about Barak Obama!
Emily!!!!!! Xposted congratulations on your graduation.