Oh Ginger - lots of ~ma.
In mememe news, I'm typing this from my laptop, sitting in my car while K-Bug is at softball practice. Go me!!!
Today with the auditors was a bit better. They do understand that I'm not trying to get around the corporate rules and procedures and that I'm beyond short handed. Will see what ends up in the findings, but knowing that on a human level, they understand - helps a lot.
Oh Ginger! The books! MA and more MA.
(The broken hip is one of those "no place is safe" stories. Her mother went downstairs in the assisted living place to get her mail, and another resident fell on her.) She just got word that she had a fire in her house, apparently caused by lighting. The firemen got the fire out, but they used lots of water. She has thousands of books. Literally thousands. She can't get home until tomorrow.
Oh Ginger. The poor things. All the good thoughts in the world to them both.
(Yonks from now, I will not spit my dentures onto my monitor if I read about the same sort of accident happening to you.)
sending out ~ma for Ginger's friend's mom. That is scary. I hate that no place is safe!
Also, WTF is up with Erin's day? Does the universe not KNOW that she is ERIN and FABULOUS and on VACATION!? Universe, it's like I don't even know you anymore.
I have belly danced tonight!!! It is cool as all get out! BUt I wrenched my back during the rib/chest isolation circle moves, so yech. But I figure once my body gets that it's SUPPOSED to be moving like that, things should get in the groove.
sending the ma~~~ out to Ginger's friend
ma ~ma and book ~ma for your friend, Ginger. Oy.
Book~ma to your friend, Ginger. Lots of it.
I can understand many coughs makeing my chest/lungs hurt, but one cough should not leave me feeling like my lungs are seared.
I have begun LJing for the first time in 2 years. I an egriggs, if you are so inclined.
Don't expect anything smart from mr today -- it's all about the stupid, more like.
OH no! Sending all kinds of ~ma to both of them, Ginger. As Kristin said, the books! But then her poor mom... I have to admit, I bit my lip, hard, when I read that the other woman fell on her.