Jilli: I was walking to work today, and everything was kind of busy and weird, because I live near the high school and school's almost out and because I work near our convention center and Celebration just started today so there were folks milling about, many in regalia.
Anyway, as I was walking, I came across a kid headed to the high school, and thought of you. He was dressed as a lovely, completely unembarrassed or furtive, goth. He was in animated conversation with a redhead in jeans and a t-shirt. He had a top hat similar to yours, but with rounded edges. He was pretty tall anyway, so this made him seem really tall. He was also wearing a long black leather coat with metal fasteners (kind of like frogs, but I'm not sure if they're still frogs if they're metal). We were walking opposite directions, so I didn't get a much better look. I was just so tickled to see him, looking so proud and happy, reminding me of you, so I gave him a big smile as I passed. I don't think that he probably gets many of those around here from people he doesn't know. I hope it didn't freak him out, but he didn't seem like he would freak out easily.
IcompletelyON, I read The Name of the Rose a long time ago. I don't remember strong feelings either way, or overwhelming amounts of Latin, but I can see now that I may need to re-read.