In completely random news, I'm watching "Last Holiday" (the Queen Latifah one) and there's this scene where Alicia Witt is just GORGEOUS. I don't know what color the dress she's wearing is--sort of a reddish brown? But with her hair and gorgeous skin, it's just BEAUTIFUL.
Yes! My cousins were watching that this weekend, and I just enjoyed the sight of Alicia Witt.
And oh my fucking Christ, I have to get out of this house. My uncle just went on a rampage yelling up a storm and smacking the hell out of my cousin. I don't need this.
I am listening to a three-minute rap about
Moby Dick.
I said, "You took my leg and for that you must die"
I threw my spear and hit Moby in the eye
He charged the boat; it began to sink
I said, "How about that? Hubris really stinks"
Polter-Cow, I don't live in the posh part of Berkeley, but I'll be looking for housemates in another month or two if you're open to houseshares. It's shaping up to be a pretty nice house and I'm only 5 blocks from Ashby BART.
Hrm. Interesting.
If you need to get out of where you are earlier, we might be able to work something out. I haven't looked for housemates yet since the house isn't really ready, but I'm fairly sure I could work something out if you were interested and if we both met and felt like we'd be good housemate material. Profile address is good.
P-C, I've known Spidra since TT days and can vouch for her easy-going goodness. Plus she's fun and interesting. It might not be the permanent solution for you, but it could definitely be the way to get out of a bad situation, even if it's temporary.
Hell, David, you've known me since *SFNet* days. Which is where I assume you developed your fondness for the Orbit Room... Thanks for letting folks know I'm not an axe-murderess. Can't wait 'til you and JZ move over to this side o' the Bay.
I am so not awake. Must shower and go to class. Even though I feel very comfortable about the topics we're discussing today (circles and symmetry). I should still go.
Shower. Yup. Going. Now. See me go.
Woke up at 6:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I made breakfast, and watched some TV, and still in that sort of "I should be asleep, but I'm not" state.
I'm trying to plan a trip to Vermont [well, I'm thinking about planning, which is the first step]
perks up
Hm! If this trip is a little more easy going than the last (what with the wedding and family madness and all) maybe, just maybe, I can get my ass up to Vermont (oh TWIST MY ARM) and spend a little more time at your bro's place...
Many, many hairpats for Cindy and Plei.
hairpats in cindy's direction
I woke up and my body hurts too much to stay in bed. still very tired. hope to head to bedagain soon. no work again for me
OK, this is weird. I feel like I'm having an allergic reaction to something -- my lips and tongue are kind of itchy, and my lungs feel congested. But I have no idea what this could be reacting to. I just woke up, and I haven't eaten anything unusual yesterday or today. (Also, I'm fairly certain that my only food allergy is pineapple, which I know I haven't eaten.) But this keeps getting worse, and now my eyes are itchy too.
I think I'll take some Benadryl and see what happens. This is bothersome, though.
Tep, insent to hotmail. Is that a WAY old address?