I am locking myself in somewhere and NEVER COMING OUT.
What do you do if you've managed to lose a check? I took it out of the checkbook yesterday, brought it into the daycare and... have no idea what I did with it after that. It didn't make it into the payment box. It's not in the sign-in sheet folder. It's not in the car.
Paul will make our weekly payment tonight via the online method, so that's not the problem, but what the hell did I do with the check???
Lillian didn't nap at daycare. Then we had to take a long-ish bus ride to the U District to meet up with Paul, who had to work late. I had to read The Nose Book until my throat hurt, because bus rides lead to bored, flailing toddlers.
Service at the B&N Cafe sucked. So did the product.
The lines at Whole Foods (the only place other than the co-op where I can find organic prune juice for a stopped-up kidlet) were insane.
My morning started out with Lillian puking all over me (tender stomach still, so it's hair-trigger). I was up half the night because she was Being Fussy.
Work is, as usual, work.
I want to join the circus.