It was freaking bizarre and the act of a three year old, not a six year old, and I just can't deal. I think he's okay. He seems okay. I will only know as time goes by.
I think I have to get off the p.c. for the night (almost wrote "P-C" by mistake there, yep, it's time to shut off the shiny square with the pretty words).
I think he's okay. He seems okay. I will only know as time goes by.
Oh, honey. That bad, huh? {{{Cindy}}}
AmyLiz, a posy holder might be too small to hold a letter, at least if you want it hidden well. But it's very, very Victorian.
The Smithsonian has a sizable collection, but the link is all I could Google up.
Jilli, Em is dancing to Siouxsie RIGHT NOW AIFG!
AIMEE! I almost have the top to Emeline's dress done, and it is SO. DAMN. CUTE! I might have to make one for Olivia and Halloweenie and Lillian! So cute! Can't wait to see pictures of it on her.
You guys rock with the suggestions. I love everyone getting their Victoriana geek on.
AmyLiz, there are also things like traveling desks (with secret compartments), large-ish bags (reticules, portmanteaux, etc.) with pockets sewn closed, a hatbox with a false lining.
A hatbox is cool, but I can't see it being a gift (unless, you know, a hat came with it).
I was going to say button-hook because that's the sort of thing I think of.
Very cool little implements, and very much of the era, but yeah, not so good with the hiding stuff.
How about a handkerchief box? [link] Or a sewing box? [link] I have a lap desk, but it seems to be rather large for a present from Victoria.
A handkerchief box would also work! I think I'm going to Google images of glove, handkerchief, and collar boxes until I find one I love, and pick then.
AmyLiz, a posy holder might be too small to hold a letter, at least if you want it hidden well. But it's very, very Victorian.
Oh, very much so! So cool.
In completely random news, I'm watching "Last Holiday" (the Queen Latifah one) and there's this scene where Alicia Witt is just GORGEOUS. I don't know what color the dress she's wearing is--sort of a reddish brown? But with her hair and gorgeous skin, it's just BEAUTIFUL.
I can't tell you what Christopher did tonight, because I can't make myself type it out. If he's okay, 19 years from now, on his 25th birthday, I'm walking up to him, saying, "Happy Birthday, son" and popping him square in the nose
I say wait until he's 21, maybe...
Jilli, Em is dancing to Siouxsie RIGHT NOW AIFG!
Eeeeeee! Okay, that made my stuck-at-work night a bit better.
She doesn't so much swoop as she does bounce, but that works for "Peek-A-Boo".