Because Pete is scarily good at meeting someone and going "Huh. This person is going to turn out to be a complete jerk and/or whackaloon" and being right about it. Scarily good.
Hee. One benefit I brought into Bec's life was as a canary down the mine for her new friends. How they reacted to me was a very good indicator of whether they'd prove to be a good friend to her.
This is one of the good things that I took away from the freak-ass church. My non-church friends who were married would often snipe at each other in public (and the wives sniped at the husbands as often as the husbands sniped at the wives, so it wasn't a husband-abuse thing), and trashtalk each other behind their backs. So it really made an impression on me that the married folk in the FAC didn't publically bitch at each other, and didn't trashtalk each other in private. They *did* have fights, but they kept it to themselves, and not in front of a group of people. And they'd talk about their problems with close friends, but not in a trashtalk way.
My FAc was strong on this too. Not that everyone lived up to it, but the couples I respected most certainly did.
One benefit I brought into Bec's life was as a canary down the mine for her new friends.
Are you saying you're a birdbrain?....
(And now that I've summarily insulted you, what are the exact dates you're going to be in Cincy? I'm trying to plan a trip to Vermont [well, I'm thinking about planning, which is the first step], and I just want to make sure not to double-book myself.)
Are you saying you're a birdbrain?....
Wallybee calls me Penguin, so...
(And now that I've summarily insulted you, what are the exact dates you're going to be in Cincy? I'm trying to plan a trip to Vermont [well, I'm thinking about planning, which is the first step], and I just want to make sure not to double-book myself.)
I suspect it'll be around the 30th and 31st of August, possibly a few days earlier if I do Cincy and NYC in reverse order. I've had another spanner thrown into the works, namely Bec's (belated) honeymoon means it's going to be way difficult for me to catch up with her when I'm in America. Well, bugger.
Aren't they supposed to check dental records before declaring someone dead? Strange story.
Back from the park. Dog is happy.
vw, when you make that quilt, you should sew a few rhinestones on, so it glitters!
Ooooo! Good idea!!! I’ll share more about the quilt in a bit…but, first…
I'm not the worst teacher in the world, right?
Um…do I have to bring up the teacher who stored his pee in his closet again? SO not the worst teacher in the world. Not even fucking close. It’s the end of the school year…the kids are hot and cranky and want to be on summer vacation. It’s SO not you. PROMISE.
I'll admit, stories about the teacher who kept jars of urine in his closet actually did make me feel a bit better -- like there's quite a long way to fall before I reach "bad" if that's the standard.
BWAH! I didn’t have to bring it up! You did it for me!
You wanna know why Emily’s not the worst teacher ever? She just went out and bought the coolest toys for her kids to play with tomorrow. AND she bought COOKIES!
Ok…now about my quilt. This month’s country is Mexico, so we’re making the Mexican Cross Quilt Block (kind of like this, but with a little variation: [link] I picked VERY bright colors, ‘cause, well, I’m me. So, I have bright yellow and pink and blue and green and orange and red fabrics. And they’re all just FABULOUS. And, I already showed you my main border fabric, but my inside border fabric is this: [link] And, just in case you missed it, the fabulous outside border fabric is here: [link] I think this is gonna be the bestest quilt EVAH! Oh, and the girls at the shop said I have to bring this one in finished next month, or they’re cutting me off. NO MORE MONTHLY QUILTS! Must get quilting!
I had a very girly evening. I got my hair cut, which I haven't done in ages and ages. I'm thinking of letting it grow out, but I don't know, so while I decide it's growing. It looks very cute, and she got the back not to part, but only a few hours later I have a dead middle part, but I think that's because I kept touching it. Plus I got my upper lip and eyebrows waxed.
Then I went and bought cute new shoes - 1/2 off! And 2 necklaces on clearance. I feel very pretty and all the PMS blah ugly feeling went away. YAY retail therapy.
vw - you'll have to post a picture of the quilt when it's done.
My sister just sent me a picture. She lives in a very wet area of the bayarea. drainage is important. the neighbor to the right cemented their back yard. That seemed very odd, since thes are people that bought houses on land that backup to never-to-be-touched land. now the neighbors to the right did the same thing. except that added a fountain. that looks like a giant flesh colored penis
I can't tell you what Christopher did tonight, because I can't make myself type it out. If he's okay, 19 years from now, on his 25th birthday, I'm walking up to him, saying, "Happy Birthday, son" and popping him square in the nose.
No. He didn't escape or try to. I might, though.
vw - you'll have to post a picture of the quilt when it's done.
I totally will! Don't you know it!
No. He didn't escape or try to. I might, though.
Uh, oh. This sounds bad. {{{Cindy}}}