Any Victorian-era-loving Bitches wanna play name that heirloom?
In the book I'm working on, an older woman asks her niece to get her the Victorian-era [insert thingie here] that her cousin (who has recently died) got from their grandmother upon *her* death. Story is that it was given by Queen Victoria to a lady's maid as a gift, and then to someone else, who gave it to the women's grandmother. Surviving 80ish woman wants it, because she always thought it should have gone to her instead of her cousin.
But what could it be? I want something kind of unique and very of the era, but also something that hide letters, since that will play into the plot later on. A jewelry box seems logical, but also kind of expected, what with the somtimes-secret-compartment-having and all.
You know, I owned the Devilbunny games before "meeting" Jilli, and I've always wondered if Clovis inspired them.
(I'm about to have a work freak-out. Feel free to skip this entirely)
OMGWTF, that very important tool did NOT just mysteriously die and not work on this very important document. Please tell me that I have fallen asleep at my desk and am having a nightmare. Please. LIVE! OBEY ME! DO NOT THROW FREAKY ERROR MESSAGES AT ME!
hyperventilates, contemplates hiding under the desk
Amy, how about a clock? Mantle sized, plays something on the quarter hour?
Like this: [link]
she assumes that most pregnancies happen within the bounds of a committed monogamous relationship
Wow. This is very far removed from my experience at work. I would estimate that the father of the baby is present at *maybe* 25% of the deliveries.
ETA: Hey, AmyLiz, any news about your sis?
P-C, the UCB Parent's Network page about housing is here: [link]
It lists some agencies. I think the one JZ is trying to find went out of business after Craigslist appeared and the market for rentals slowed down some.
I've poked around that area! I bought some CDs from Half Price. That's why I want to live around that area because having all that within walking distance would make me happy.
I lived at Dwight and Shattuck, and some acquaintances of mine have lived a bit further down on Dwight, closer to MLK. As of about a year or so ago, that area was still pretty affordable. It's maybe a 5-8 minute walk or 3 minute bike ride from all the Shattuck Square goodness. If you can manage to not have craxy deadbeat landlords (or at least find landlords who are just mildly lazy, not landlords who have neglected the building into a hazard to life and limb), it is a completely awesome neighborhood.
A clock is a good idea, Empress!
Hey, AmyLiz, any news about your sis?
No, but I'm assuming my mom just sscrewed up -- I tried to call her earlier and she's clearly off gadding about somewhere.
But what could it be? I want something kind of unique and very of the era, but also something that hide letters, since that will play into the plot later on. A jewelry box seems logical, but also kind of expected, what with the somtimes-secret-compartment-having and all.
maybe a cameo with a small compartment in the back, Or a locket? You could hide one letter, I suppose, but not a bunch of them.
Jilli, I totally thought that when you said "very important tool" you were talking about a person. Made the rest of the post most unexpected.
but what could it be? I want something kind of unique and very of the era, but also something that hide letters, since that will play into the plot later on. A jewelry box seems logical, but also kind of expected, what with the somtimes-secret-compartment-having and all.
Music box?