you could stand at the front of the classroom mocking your students' names and biting the heads off live kittens and you'd still be about fifty brazilian times better.
I'll admit, stories about the teacher who kept jars of urine in his closet actually did make me feel a bit better -- like there's quite a long way to fall before I reach "bad" if that's the standard.
What age are they, and what do you feel are your main problems with behaviour management? And what are you teaching them?
Er, 15-17, getting them to actually do the work I've given them, and geometry. To be fair to myself, the kids that drive me the most crazy are the ones I just got a couple weeks ago after the unexpected departure of their sub, who himself was replacing a teacher put on administrative leave. So I'm their third teacher this quarter, which is seriously unsettling. And everyone agrees that I'm pretty much just babysitting them until the end of the year. But they have to pass a final, and I am trying to teach them the stuff they'll be tested on. I wouldn't even mind if they took the worksheet, had it in front of them to work on when I came by, and chatted/did work when I couldn't see them. But these kids have NO SUBTLETY, and I can't really just let them get away with doing nothing all period and talking while I'm trying to teach.
Except today it was actually the kids in one of the classes I can usually handle who(m?) I overheard saying that my class was inconsistent and neverending. And, okay, math. Not just math, but math specifically for students who've had little success with math before. But... still. Ouch.
Joe and I have the same thing when he explains things to me that I already know, but he assumes I don't.
E has a habit of repeating things I've said to him ten seconds earlier as if I hadn't said them. (Like, I'll say "Hey look at that cute dog over there," and ten seconds later he'll say. "Oh, see that cute dog over there?" It's adorable.)
I did see it, and I am a lame feeder-backer. Smart and thoughtful, as is usual with your writing. And yeah, the whole thread of questioning what superness means, the struggle with the identities and with other people's and your own expectations for those selves, and oh the pain.
I don't know why Buffy had to take up with that stupid Immortal. She and Spidey could have such lovely bittersnarky(very slightly teary) up-till-4-a.m. nestled together under the comforter conversations.
Also, re your Michael Savage problem? If you move to Berkeley, no more commuting with your trollish uncle and being trapped with the radio.
But it's an organic way to deal with the impending summer ant problem.
No, it'll just sit there and drink all my beer and wanna play handball while mooning over a stripper.
No aardvark.
If you move to Berkeley, no more commuting with your trollish uncle and being trapped with the radio.
Live105 all the way!
I need to find an apartment. Somehow. Soon.
Also, these people need to tell me what's really going on with my future because technically, this is my last official day here. My internship is ending. And they want to me to stay, but they haven't figured out in what capacity yet.
Don't even get me started - what a waste of a character AND an actor. Not that TLJ would ever have been my idea for Harvey (neither was Billy Dee, but that's more because I'm not sure he would have worked as Two-Face - sure Lando was two-faced, but in a SMOOOOTH way), but without Jim Carey around as a bad influence and a different director I think he could have played an interesting version of the character.
sits next to Frank, quietly takes notes.
No, it'll just sit there and drink all my beer and wanna play handball while mooning over a stripper.
A stripper? Like, a MEMBRANE STRIPPER?!?!?!?!?
Bah. I just went and Googled and yellow page'd around looking for the housing/sublet/roommate referral service I used a few years ago to find my completely awesome (except for the deadbeat landlords) affordable 1BR apt in Berkeley, and I'm coming up completely blank. I know exactly where it is, too (downtown Berkeley BART, the intersection with the toy and game shop on the corner, walk up that street toward campus, and it's about halfway up the block); I just can't find the damn name.
Trudy beat me to it. I had MM's post on my clipboard and was ready to go.