Ignoring the Spidey and relationship conversations cause they make my head go explody.
I have returned to my OTT (one true tag). I think by now y'all know who I am/was. Anyway, UPS has my laptop "out for delivery". It should be at my house ANY TIME NOW.
[insert snarky Passion of the Christ joke here]
Dude, the Christ imagery in TPotC jumped the shark....
Yay laptop!
Nora, honestly, it sounds like you are making a reasonable tranition towards shouldering reponsibility for financial decisions. That you are not instantly owning the budget does not make you suck.
I am strangely calm for being premenstrual. That's so not like me.
Clearly Spidey III will be best because of Tobey and my dog.
Too BROAD?!? It's a comic-book movie! Not a Bergman movie!
There's BIG and then there's BROAD.
Big = Jack Nicholson as the Joker.
Broad = Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face.
Broad is bad. Unless we're talking about Erin, 'cuz she's a helluva broad.
It's been bugging me since I did that to the extent I did in SF. In front of people! (not only Hec but Tom's boss's wife!) I'm so ashamed.
Awww! C'mere poodlecakes. You did it like - once. That I noticed. And all I thought was, "Oh that's what Jilli does with Pete." So how bad can it be to say one person in a marriage is the budget task master? Most marriages work
people have assigned duties. Whatever works. I didn't feel like you were blaming Tom at all, but just doing exactly what you described - this was your check on budget breaking.
Thank DOG I have a solid metric assload of work to do today, or I'd have a big huge rant on this and related subjects (mostly, what the general public considers an attack on husbands and men vs. the sort of giggly, snide dismissive contempt that so much of the culture actively encourages - and in which some of my meatspace friends indulge, getting huffy at my lack of humor if I don't participate - but that pings me as much crueler and more misandrist than any Berkeley-generated womynist ranting could ever be), with which I would bore all the Bitches silly (and probably make Hec want to flee screaming from my repetitiveness, as I already bored him silly with it on Saturday morning).
I'd love to hear this sometime. I consistently get angry with one of my friends for saying men are worthless and not in touch with their emotions and other low-level hostility. I think it's bullshit, even as I admit to living in a neighborhood with a higher that usual concentration of 30-year-olds who act like 12-year-olds, but I haven't the words to articulate why.
Broad = Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face.
Don't even get me started - what a waste of a character AND an actor. Not that TLJ would ever have been my idea for Harvey (neither was Billy Dee, but that's more because I'm not sure he would have worked as Two-Face - sure Lando was two-faced, but in a SMOOOOTH way), but without Jim Carey around as a bad influence and a different director I think he could have played an interesting version of the character.
I try very very very hard, when I vent about Joe, to make sure it doesn't sound like bashing. Sometimes, I'm sure it comes out like bashing, when I'm especially frustrated, but I really don't mean it to.