I don't know why wives can be so mean to husbands. The folks I stayed with in DC on the way home...well, let's just say I was extremely uncomfortable to be there. The wife kept harping on the husband that he has too much stuff (everything I saw was hers), drank a LOT, and was just generally verbally abusive. I mean, I know women don't have a lock on being mean, but it seems that husband abuse isn't taken very seriously.
see, you should have stayed with me. I mean, I even have a computer :) although, my house is far from baby proof, I admit.
YAY Suzi and Aimee.
I could use some find-it~ma for work. I'm trying to figure out why we haven't received something and it's one of those situations where no one is calling us back, so now I turn into the trying not to be bitchy nag.
Suzi, you available on IM?
find~it~ma for askye.
Tobey Maguire pet my dog. My dog then slept with me. It's practically like I 'did it' with Spider Man.
Also? Another bite on my resume. Whoo!
Not surprising. You're very biteable. Also, sparkly interview~ma for tomorrow!
And yay on the good grades, Aimee and Suzi! Model students, both of you.
Emmett has the wackass notion that Spidey 1 is better than Spidey 2.
Emmett is only wacky in the "he's so right" way.
Lucky all y'all, spared my runon sentences and stale rantycakes!
I have a mini rant on this myself. In the circle of women I knew in PA, it was completely acceptable to trashtalk their husbands, which really threw me. And gave me new insight into the dynamics of a few of their marriages that I really didn't need to have.
The folks I stayed with in DC on the way home...well, let's just say I was extremely uncomfortable to be there. The wife kept harping on the husband that he has too much stuff (everything I saw was hers), drank a LOT, and was just generally verbally abusive. I mean, I know women don't have a lock on being mean, but it seems that husband abuse isn't taken very seriously.
I don't know - this kind of pings me oddly because during some of the really worst stretches between my parents, this could easily have been my mother. Because my father is a master of the ongoing, long-term passive-aggressive provocation, it would totally appear to an observer that she was harping on every needless thing, being petty and unreasonable and basically a stone cold bitch, flying off the handle at every little thing. It's only when you were much, much closer to the situation that it became apparent what was really going on, and how much of the provocation was both unseen and totally deliberate.
Uncomfortable for an outsider to be around though either way, for sure.
My package is here! You'd think this was something for ME i'm so excited. They couldn't find it, even though the address was right there, because the company name wasn't exactly right. Which is why they couldn't find it when I called Fed Ex. The name on our sign didn't match the name on the package even though the addresses matched, that caused major confusion.
I'm with Hec in preferring the sequel. Only slightly.
And with Emmett in my love of rootbeer.
Personally, I think there's a distinction between gentle mockery and trash talk, but my least favorite thing Wives say about Husbands is "It's like having another child." Yeah, sign me up. But weirdly, they are the type to pimp marriage hardest...what is *that*?
Although after last night's "Rescue Me" my least favorite is Janet saying she was glad Connor died before he could become like Tommy. Ouch
Because it IS.
Emmett is only wacky in the "he's so right" way.
Insanity! I usually like Willem Dafoe but he was way too broad as the Goblin. Compare and contrast with Molina's soulful Doc Ock.
t sniff
the Spidey-Jesus imagery of 2 was
more compelling than Unca Ben's death scene. Also much better special effects in 2.
To the credit column of Spidey 1 goes the instantly iconic upside-down kiss in the rain, and the scene of Peter figuring out how to make his web shoot. (Which had Emmett waggling his fingers like heavy metal devil horns for fifteen minutes and giggling.)