I though the Savage Nation stuff was just audio clips, but they have transcripts.
Here is a bit...
There is a hostile takeover of the United States of America by Mexico. Affirmative action is being used to purge our police departments of white males -- particularly heterosexual, Christian white males are being purged from state departments, state police departments, and from police departments. They are only putting in women -- particularly women who are not married, let's put it to you that way, in a nice delicate manner, unless they're married to a turkey baster, illegal aliens who have become citizens by nefarious means, and, of course, people of color. White males need not apply. This is all connected to the flood of illegal aliens swamping America.
Jimmy Carter is a Jew-hater through and through. Jimmy Carter is who caused worldwide Islamic terrorism to proliferate around the globe. Jimmy Carter undermined the shah of Iran. Jimmy Carter encouraged [Ayatollah Ruhollah] Khomeini to come back from exile in Paris. As a result, Khomeini spread his Islamic poison around the globe. Jimmy Carter is a war criminal. Now, Jimmy Carter comes out and writes a letter today, and says that Israel, by giving back 93 percent of the West Bank, is being evil, it's the Jews again tricking the Palestinians. Jimmy Carter is like Hitler with the double talk on top of it all. I can't take this crap any more. Why is he even taken seriously? Why don't the Jews get up and spit in his face?
Dude is on like 350 stations in the country.
I drive home with my uncle, who is very conservative. The kind of person who didn't care about the Oscars as long as Brokeback Mountain didn't win anything.
My in-laws came over to babysit while DH and I went to a mantinee of Brokeback Mountain. When my FiL asked what we went to see I told him. He looked a little squeamish and asked, "Why?" I said, "Hot, gay cowboys, Silly."
I think my in-laws are a little afraid of me.
A little interview~ma tomorrow around 5:30, por favor.
Si. No problemo. Interview ~ma scheduled on calendar for tomorrow.
Suzi, insent.
::gently hugs Nora and hands her a wet paper towel with a little Tide on it::
Now I have a spotted shirt and an inexplicable yearning for greasy pad thai
This is me, pretty much every day.
Much interview~ma, Aimee!
Class was just fine. It's at this beginning, easy part that I've already been through. So, I feel all smart and shit. That'll probably end next week. Hee!
DH took me and Mallory out for dinner. The garage hasn't called, but I'm hopeful they got the car and everything.
Gud, I'm sure the car's fine.
I don't know why wives can be so mean to husbands. The folks I stayed with in DC on the way home...well, let's just say I was extremely uncomfortable to be there. The wife kept harping on the husband that he has too much stuff (everything I saw was hers), drank a LOT, and was just generally verbally abusive. I mean, I know women don't have a lock on being mean, but it seems that husband abuse isn't taken very seriously.
I broke up with a guy in college , because I was getting reallly mean. He wasn't happy, but I really didn't like the person I was becomming. I figured out that my version of a successful partnership is a partnership with someone that brings out the best in you. and I really try hard not to push any buttons. Matt feels guilty at the drop of a hat, so I am very careful not to use that as a weapon.
I'm really getting in touch with a need to make the men in my life wrong for some reason. Not conscious, and certainly not intellectually preferred, while a bit understandable given my background. But? I'm an adult now and choose to stop the bahavior. Modification, here I come!