Karl! Hi sweetie!
I survived my first year teaching high school! And have a contract to go back and do it all over again...in 2 1/2 months!
Woo and Hoo, indeed! Congrats on surviving!
eta: Almost forgot. Aims, I'm so sorry you're dealing with buttheads.
I'm trying to be positive:
I'm glad I hate my boss today because it means I have a job.
You are glad you have the Internet on which to take out your frustrations because jail is no fun.
It appears someone liked my resume today - I'm getting a call this evening about one I sent. Huh.
See? You scrape the barrell for some fake good news, and the real thing comes along!
Well, damn, job~ma then, Aimee.
Suzi, the cap fits Mal and is awesome! I was met at the airport by the DH wearing his A's polo, so the two of them matched.
It's 3:28 am here. In spite of Benadryl, Mal is wide awake.
Yay Aimee!
Hi Brenda!
New class starts today - US History since 1945. Fun, fun, fun! Have not gotten my Econ grade yet - I'll be happy with a C.
Waves at Raq.
Mal is resisting the Benadryl? That is wrong. Warm milk maybe?
I hadn't even thought of that when I simply agreed with her, and it's a slippery slope when you begin lying to your mother
Hee. See, and lately I've been thinking about the slippery slope of kissing. Which is more along your "but that was friendly drunken affections kissing" lines--I mean, I kissed at least three people the other weekend, but found myself thinking later that "Well, only one of them was, like, *personal*". Which. Dude. Tongue in mouth. How is that not personal? I suddenly start to wonder how much of a slut I could become down this slippery slope...
Um, which is to say, I do not tell my parents about any of it. (For that matter, I didn't really mention it to Michelle, who was then in town *last* weekend....um.)
remembering my mom's non-dad kissing history has BUMMED ME OUT.
Dude. You KNOW your mom's non-dad kissing history? I sure as heck don't. And I try to pretend me and my siblings were born via immaculate conception...
I once again vote for more buffistas to move to Portland, because I want to move there. And I want people I know to already be there when I do.
but I keep stumbling across these personal e-mails to women he met off Match.com and shit, and I can't help reading them.
Dude. Don't use your work email for that stuff. Tacky. (I generally avoid using work email for ANY personal stuff, but for match.com?!?! Goes double)
I survived my first year teaching high school!
Whoot! Go Erin!
Hi Suzi! I put some (bad) pictures from my new office in Natter, folks. I'm still asquee about how nice it is.