I'm not implying that they're a cure-all, or the answer for every vague symptom cluster. It's just that when my doctor diagnosed me with depression, we did the same thing -- all the blood tests came back normal, etc., etc. So my doctor suggested that exhaustion of unspecified causation could very well be indicative of depression.
Yeah, I'm thinking this is the next step, but we didn't talk about it during the last visit, so I don't know if that's occured to her. I hate self-diagnosing with the doctor, but sometimes it's like that's the only way shit gets done.
Also, this doctor won't prescibe a IUD for me because I'm "too young" to be exposed to the completly TINY potential side effect of infertility. Which a) The IUDs on the market today are not really so much with the sterility side effects and b) uh, MY CHOICE.
So, I don't know if I need a new doctor or what. we'll see how it goes. I should probably try to get in there for a follow up before August (which is when my annual is)
Anyway, that's rambly. But the upshot is: yes, I've considered ADs and no, my doctor hasn't brought it up as an option yet.
Edited to make Jessica look looney tunes.
Also, this doctor won't prescibe a UTI for me
If this weren't a typo, I'd be on his side...
Nora--my doc precribed Laxapro for anxiety, which in my case manifested itself with no real symptoms other than restless sleep, which manifested itself in--yes, exhaustion. Now I sleep better and have more energy during the day. It's wonderful.
catching up ...
Beverly, good luck with the tooth!
Sophia, do go to a doctor. I had a cat bite at the end of April and within 12 hours it was infected. The doctor explained that cats' teeth are small but sharp and push assorted ickies in deep. Best wishes for your health and a not-unhappy ending for the cat.
And welcome Margaret T.
So, I don't know if I need a new doctor or what.
I'd say so. If you're aware of the risks (which are almost entirely associated with an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, which is unlikely in the extreme to be a problem given your mutually monogamous relationship), there's no reason not to give you the form of birth control you prefer.
If you want me to recommend my GYN, who is an absolute joy and who gave me my IUD without an argument, just drop me an email.
I'd say so. If you're aware of the risks (which are almost entirely associated with an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, which is unlikely in the extreme to be a problem given your mutually monogamous relationship), there's no reason not to give you the form of birth control you prefer.
Yup. My OB-gyn is pretty good about the IUD's. He says he can't understand why more women in monogamous relationships don't get them.
All the docs at work have these cute little IUD pins on their lab coats.
Man, I wish Lexapro did anything for my sleeping.
My OB-gyn is pretty good about the IUD's. He says he can't understand why more women in monogamous relationships don't get them.
I think they prefer it if you've already given birth but there's no reason you can't have one despite that. I would talk to him about that. Totally your choice.
ImememeN, my mother just emailed to say they broke my sister-in-law's water on Friday, but nothing happened so they sent her home. Huh? I thought there was a risk of infection after 24 hours, not to mention the poor baby rattling around in there with no cushion. Weird. She's not even due till June 2, so I don't know why they broke her water in the first place.
ImememeN, my mother just emailed to say they broke my sister-in-law's water on Friday, but nothing happened so they sent her home. Huh? I thought there was a risk of infection after 24 hours, not to mention the poor baby rattling around in there with no cushion.
Um. Yeah. I hope everything's okay, Amy.