waves at Margaret T
Since you lived in Portland for so many years, I'm going to assume that you are NOT Margaret Thatcher.
Margaret Thatcher, are you?
t /nervous
Nevertheless, I'm tickled that the lurkers support Portland in email.
Welcome Not-Margaret-Thatcher.
And Fay; don't worry. I think Margaret Thatcher is more of a "7th Heaven" fan.
Nevertheless, I'm tickled that the lurkers support Portland in email.
As am I.
I just waved in lots of directions, just to say hi.
Hi folks. I'm back on my comfortable computer at home in Athens, and just skipped about 2000 messages in this thread. I've been up for 28 hours (and counting!) now, so even though it's the middle of the day and I shouldn't, I'm going to nap.
My suitcase was misrouted again coming from NM, but they didn't go for the hat trick and I actually got it in Athens! Two "baggage irregularities" in one trip, though - I'm developing a complex.
My sinuses are doing their LavaLamp impression.
Tylenol's cough and sore throat liquid promising "instant Cool Burst sensation" isn't wrong so much as much implies the sensation is a good thing. It isn't.
And yet? I am feeling so much better. Sad to realize how yuck I have been.
Off to bed now.
Evil neighbors. I never really did get fully back to sleep. I was jumpy all night. And now I get to start my class without really being with it.
Oh, well. Life goes on. At least I can nap this afternoon.
Good luck at your class, vw! And nap later.
I woke myself up coughing in fits.
Took some cough syrup, made tea with honey and settled myself on the couch to hopefully get some sleep while still sitting up partially.
The tv is helpfully telling me panicked stories about Cascadia tsunamis. Turns out that Portland is relatively safe. Or doomed. They aren't sure.
Awwww...poor Cass! Bad sleeping night around here, I guess.
Must. Shower.
No. Energy.
Welcome Margaret T. I love it when someone who has obviously been registered for so long decides to delurk.
vw, I prescribe a shower, some coffee, and getting your tush in gear to go to your class. This will energize you for long enough.
Cass, please to stop with the sickness, now. F2F is long over.
Oh, Raq. The luggage, again? Do they compensate people in any way for these mishaps?