I wouldn't be able to take the cat back either, Sophia, and I'm of a rescuing persuasion. I have a feral kitty and I know lots of the risks and things to avoid. But if he attacked me without any provocation, I'd never be able to trust him again.
I'd want him to be with people who could knowledgeably care for him, who would be aware what he's capable of, but my altruism doesn't stretch that far.
I'd give another cat a home, one who was socialized and used to humans.
Also? Be aware that cat bites can heal at the surface and still be raging with infection deep at the puncture site. Yes, I AM trying to scare you. See a doctor. Get antibiotics, and get the bites looked at, too. You sew; you need your hands.
I still can't figure out how I'm going to decide between L.A., San Francisco, and Portland.
I'd probably vote for Portland (now with added Cass!), although since I've never been there, feel free to treat my opinion accordingly.
Plus, it's usually not too hot, always a bonus.
It's always 62.
Actually it's 71 at the moment. Summery.
so jealous...although it's *only* 94 today.
How long a drive to Las Vegas, though, hmm? And the Grand Canyon?
Dammit, could someone shrink the West Coast, please? Because if these were all, like, weekend-trip distance from each other, this would be easier. But no! 10+ hours between San Francisco and Portland.
so jealous...although it's *only* 94 today.
I think it got close to that in Boston today erika, and we have humidity, and our air conditioner wasn't ready to go.
I'm sorry. Why am I trying to beat your heat misery?
that does suck...94 here is really quite good at this time of year, the suck really is that this is the beginning of a long stretch that is like the photo-negative of the Northeast's winter, except the roads are always clear. Our 94 is better than yours, though, I bet.
I promise, Beverly, et als, that I am going to the doctor tomorrow. Not right now, because I do not think that it is emergancy room worthy (although it was when it first happened!)
I don't think I can take him back, although I miss him terribly. I mean, what if he did it again? It was scary! Except for the time I cut off 1/2 of the tip of my index finger (I also did not see the doctor and now have minimal feeling in that fingertip), this is really the worst I have been hurt in 32 years.
But no! 10+ hours between San Francisco and Portland.
3 hours from Portland to Seattle. IJS.