Sophia, please go immediately to the ER if you haven't seen a doctor already. I know the scratches are painful, but cat bites are serious. People bitten on the hand have actually lost function, and had long, difficult battles, including surgeries to drain infection from deep wounds.
Go. Get your bite wounds tended to. And as much as I love cats and want to see them rescued and homed, it sounds like your guy might not have too many options right now. Listen to your vets about him. But take care of yourself, first, please.
Sorry to sound like a naggy mom, but I know more than one person who's landed in the hospital for days with "just a bite" from a cat.
Yours, despite their behavioral issues at the moment, are gorgeous.
Isn't it nice that you have something to look forward to? It's a good thing they do start out cute. It's to keep you from chucking them out when they hit 2.
Oh Sophia. My heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry.
I killed Bitches with my heart. My achy breaky heart.
It wasn't the heart, Kristin, it was the mullet that killed the thread.
Crumbs, Sophia. So terribly sorry for you and for the cat. And I agree with Bev about the doctor-seeing.
To Fay:
Sophia, I'm so sorry. that must be heartbreaking, as well as terrifying.
I'm so sorry, Sophia.
ION, gronk.
The past few days, I've shifted from being four hours off schedule to just taking a bunch of three-hour naps throughout the day, rather than sleeping all at once at night. Really not an improvement here.
Yes indeed, Fay. Big Damn Evil.