There is a newspaper editor here at the black paper whose name really is Clovis. He's a man of A Certain Age, though, and probably from the South.
So, asking him if you could put a pair of bunny ears on him and take a picture probably wouldn't happen, would it?
That's going to be one beautiful baby - possibly worth doing without sushi, corsets, and hair coloring for several months.
I prefer to think that I have watched exactly the right amount of Zim.
Man. I just closed the door and it's
all stinky. I am full of sushi rage.
SOMEONE has watched a little too much Zim....
Hey! Zim gives you lots of useful references for pregnancy. Not only can you fly into a rage for the tiniest slight, and be repulsed by food, but you can come out of an ultrasound thinking, "It's a perfectly normal human worm baby."
My nomination for bumper sticker of the week - "Proud Parents of an Anime Otaku". It's the "proud parents" part that I like.
Pregnant JZ is even more entertaining and adorable than pre-pregnancy JZ, which shouldn't even be possible.
Am I the only one thinking that the big announcement was suspiciously well-timed to allow for JZ's sushi-fueled rage-on?
(strange yet apt x-post with sj)
I just got spam with this subject line: "Any child may catch a fish, but only men can follow turkeys."
That's bull. I could totally follow turkeys when I was a child. And I was twenty before I caught a fish. Silly spammers.
I made all my phone calls. feels virtuous
Who wants to fill out my paperwork for my big allergist appointment tomorrow?