Thus to be known as Halloweenie Asstastic Zmayhem.
I suggested Halloweenie Asscaps Zmayhem in email to Hec after several rounds of emails consisting of nothing but SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!EEEE!!! (at least on my end. He had actual information.) -- I think we're onto a something here.
Skipping in to the end to say...
Congratulations, Hec and JZ!! Halloweenie is a most excellent in utero name.
Here are the results, including a gratuitous smooch shot with Fella I included to show off my short hair to David
Completely and totally adorable, Beej. Not just the haircut, either. Fella's handsome. Eye makeup was spiff. Even your dog's handsome and well above average!
I'm not too worried about Emmett long term. It's mostly about making the transition. He's shown a high susceptibility to cuteness and little mammal things. He's been very sweet and tender with babies from Emeline to India. Also, once the Halloweenie becomes conscious that there is this handsome, funny, sweet older brother who comes and goes, I expect Emmett will appreciate her inevitable adoration and idol-worship.
At least, that's how I've got it charted out in my head right now. And as we know parenting never has any surprises.
Speaking of transitions for Emmett, his mother is now getting married January 27, 2007. JZ and I have been invited, and I've been asked to do the music as well. After EM and her guy move into a new house, Emmett will finally get his long sought puggle (or possibly a pugapoo) and he will probably never want to come to my house again. But he'll have his dog, which should be suitable distraction.
Emmett will appreciate her inevitable adoration and idol-worship
This is exactly what I was thinking. Halloweenie is going to ADORE Emmett. Handsome, funny older brother? Oh yeah.
Beej and Fella and puppy-dog pics! Yay!
I've been surprised at how well Frances has adjusted to Isaac. Sure, they inevitably grapple over toys, but in general they play together very well and she's VERY protective of him.
After EM and her guy move into a new house, Emmett will finally get his long sought puggle (or possibly a pugapoo) and he will probably never want to come to my house again. But he'll have his dog, which should be suitable distraction.
You just know JZ will be dawdling when she drops him off or picks him up or just happens to take the little squishy face to the vet because "hey, its on the way". You may never see either of them again... ;-)
Even your dog's handsome and well above average!
You see that too? I thought I was the only one who recognized his genius.
t /neurotic dog-obsession
Which is, of course, a tag that never closes in my house.
How cool for Emmett getting a puggle or summat. In as much as I'm a crazy dog lady though, I can't imagine Emmett being too distracted by a pup once Halloweenie is beyond the loaf-of-bread stage. Animated babies are way more fascinating.
And now I've caught up. Great pictures, Beej - love the make-up.
I always wondered what it would be like to have a younger sib (I have two older ones). Probably would've been good for me. Ah, well.
I have to make phone calls now, and I don't wanna.
You just know JZ will be dawdling when she drops him off or picks him up or just happens to take the little squishy face to the vet because "hey, its on the way". You may never see either of them again... ;-)
So true. Though I've already gotten permission from EM to borrow the puppy on the first several weekends I've got Emmett. EM is a baby-toe fancier from way back too, so I expect the Halloweenie (aka Zmayby) will be spending some time in Emmett's new world as well. Which is good - I'm hoping to have these circles of his life overlap.