Though, sadly, this means no corsetry for me at the F2F. On the other hand, making a whole new human being!
Should we include Emmett too?
Emmett is thus far distinctly un-thrilled. I'm trying to seduce him with displays of my newfound proficiency at expelling gas (man, pregnancy makes you gassy; not enough of the books warn you sufficiently about that) and all the grown-ups in his life are being kind and solicitous and trying to reassure him that it won't be a train wreck for him, but at present he is extremely skeptical.
Congratulations, Team Zmayhem!!!!
Fanbloodytastic news!
Oh, my! Wonderful news! Congratulations, you guys.
oh, congratulations to David and JZ!
Most joyus congratulations to Team Zmayhem!!!
Ooooh! Bestest blessing to the Zmayhems. How wonderful for you!
a new little person near me!
Go good news! Choose good news!
'Bout damn time....
. . .
. . .
. . .
Okay, snark over. I kid because I love.
I love you both, insanely so, and I'm giddy happy for you. Like, full of Tigger-bounces.
::bounce bounce::
JZ & Hec - that is amazing and wonderful news!!!
Emmett's going to be a big brother. Aw!
Though, sadly, this means no corsetry for me at the F2F.
Quite alright. We've seen you in corsetry, and while you are gorgeous and we'd love to see you in corsetry again, we've never seen you pregnant before. *That* will be new.
I'm all stressy right this minute about the fetal echocardiogram, which happens in a bit less than an hour. Not that we have any reason to expect things to be less than fine -- no history of congenital heart disease in either family, and the Halloweenie's heart has been beating strong and steady at every exam so far -- but since I work where I do, my brain is full of worst-case scenarios.