Those are very pretty dresses, Laura!
BTW, I just watched Ultraviolet. It was awful. And I LOVE cheesy action movies. But it was just...bad. Bad, bad, bad, and not even in a fun was. Boring.
I am going to the video store. I'm gonna rent some GOOD bad action flicks. Ugh.
I will be blacked out for a few days. Will be back around mid-week.
Also my apartment just flooded, as did the apartment under me as gravity is a harsh mistress. The washer filled and filled and filled while I took a shower. I love this complex and mostly the people here - they are totally dealing with it and don't want me to worry at all.
The above statements are not related.
We wikll miss you , Cass. Keep well.
lovely dress , Laura.
I played with lots of puppies today. there was an eskie meet up at a local dog park, and my DS and BIL brought their dogs over, so I joined them.
here's what eskies look like
Skippy Skimmerson just checking in from Puerto Rico. Our hotel on the first two days didn't have internet access so I'm going to catch up between laying on the beach and laying by the pool.
Hi Cash! WHat's it like??
It's lovely! Of course, we're now in a pretty posh resort area with a private island. But we spent the last two days in San Juan in the Candado area and it was nice, too. We've eaten out a cute little sidewalk cafes and spent some awesome time on the beach.
Yay Cash. Laying around sounds good. Have fun.
Winning father's words of encouragement for the day: "At least your not that girl from Harvard. I wouldn't want to be parenting her right now."
ION, I have found my dream apartment: [link]
Wow. Yeah. I wanna live there.