my sister's doc had her takeing 5x200 (Ibuprofin) every 6- 8 hours - but she backed off that when she realized what it could do to her innards on a more permentbasis . Got to second the tylenol addition - it does seem to kick things over into the tolerable level.
I can not type - I only had one glass of sangria while out with julianna, perkins,k-bug,suzi,DH, and Deb. good food, good people. and everyone had pretty hair.
Dinner was very very good, and we do all have pretty hair.
Happy birthday, Karl!
and we do all have pretty hair.
Excellent news.
Heights are still an issue,
Look at you, Nancy Drew! And you climbed all the way to the top of Tank Hill with us and Nilly.
::decides to give Laura extra hugs for bravery::
A nasty sinus headache is keeping me from being happily curled up in bed.
bad sinus headache, go away and let sj curl up with teacup guy!
What Beth said, both about the birthday wishes for Karl and the headache.
bad sinus headache, go away and let sj curl up with teacup guy!
Yes, please listen to beth. I got three hours of curled up happiness in before I woke up with the headache. Just so I am not all complaining, I should mention, it's been a full week of blissful living togetherness.
I guess I need to buy Halo at some point, don't I?
Probably. Though Halo 2 has the better multiplayer options. Both games are excellent though and both come with patches for the 360 (downloadable off Live) which'll make the games look a little better than they did on the original box.