I think you need a different kind of roast, vw. I won't spend $16 a pound on anything that's not jewelry. Or caviar.
Refuses to answer the undergarment question on the premise that self-incrimination of boringness should be totally illegal, particularly in this thread.
That was my theory too. I'm limited in the bras I can wear these days, but even when I wasn't, I was boring.
is it a rib roast?
Try a lamb roast, or leg of lamb, maybe?
BWAH! Awesome shirt!
Today is the day I celebrate the 8th anniversary of a cow-orker asking me, "What date is Cinco de Mayo on this year?"
Mal is laying in the papasan having a bottle and we are playing patticake with our feet.
I don't know what I'm wearing to prom yet...something packable.
is it a rib roast?
Try a lamb roast, or leg of lamb, maybe?
But! But! That's not the recipe I have!
Hec, I have marked your post and will perhaps call upon you for weeknight drinking. Possibly weekday. Or, I don't mind hanging out in bars by myself. I have a feeling I'll be living at that beer place though.
I've been meaning to tell you that I'm planning on doing some drinking with you during that week. So it's on!
You people who keep talking about what you're wearing to Prom are causing me to start making my obsessive Packing List.
My mother probably wouldn't find that t-shirt a humorous Mother's Day present, would she?
You people who keep talking about what you're wearing to Prom are causing me to start making my obsessive Packing List.
Heh. I've been making mine (in my head, at least) since March. I just started writing it down the other day, though.