Can't you celebrate that on July 4 like the rest of America? Frankly, I find it unAmerican that you have to have your own special, separate holiday that the rest of the country is excluded from. That doesn't say "America" to me.
Not so special or separate - Maine celebrates it too mainly because until it became a state Maine was part of MA, but whatev
Should I mention that both ME and MA get to file their taxes later if Patriot's day falls correctly?
Should I mention that both ME and MA get to file their taxes later if Patriot's day falls correctly?
Or if the Patriots win the Super Bowl....
Also, I fell to the communists over weekend,
See? Downright unAmerican.
My mom was actually a little relieved that the Columbine shooting was on the 20th. (Not, obviously that she wanted it to happen at all, but at least it wasn't on her birthday.)
Do I ever get that. I had just called my sister to congratulate her on making it through a birthday without a tragedy when the news from Columbine broke.
Take that back. I'ma buy THIS ONE. [link]
Aimee, you're a crack/house-peddling hoor! Quit showing me houses I could never afford. I'ma pout.
Nicole, the massage place is awesome, but you have to be here for an open house. I don't know when the next one will be. Except that they are hosting a "transformative" weekend thingy that costs $375 and sounds awesome. Fortunately for my bank account it's being held the weekend of the F2F, otherwise I would so be going to it.
Aimee - stop with the homes from my homeland! You're mean! My lip's stickin' out further than Sail's even!
I thought I *told* you, the Rastafarians have taken care of my money problems, and I have NO trouble getting wood.
Damned spammers.
I mis-read the last word as "splinters". That was a sporfle-filled moment.
I'm back from another enjoyable job-application/interview. The great thing about working in the delightfully-underpaid caregiving profession is that potential employers are always glad to see someone who has a few years experience. I have reason to be optimistic about being employed again in the near future, and reason to believe I will have the luxury of choosing whichever job suits me better.
Job~ma, and school~ma, Nora.
{{{{{{{{{{ever'body}}}}}}}}}}} because? Why not?