Not yet, but I expect they will. All this has just come up this afternoon. It's just too strange.
And, it looks like Aronson's Furniture Rental is in on the fraud. All of us had credit checks there within a couple of weeks (2 of us on the same day). It looks like they were using Aronson's to verify our social security numbers.
ChiKat, I think you should call up the HAWT detective and suggest that you meet him over drinks to discuss what you've found out.
Oh man. The plot thickens. You can be the one who blew the lid wide open on this, ChiKat. (cue L&O sound effect)
ChiKat, I think you should call up the HAWT detective and suggest that you meet him over drinks to discuss what you've found out.
Ooooohh. I think I will have to do this tomorrow. Well, I'll call him at any rate and give him the new info.
I went to the Town Shop after work today. [link]
I walked in. The nice lady brought me a bra. I tried it on. It wasn't right. She brought me two more. The first was nice. The second was not quite right -- until she pinched the straps to make them shorter and then it was perfect. "The alterations are free."
I bought two for fifty bucks total. I pick them up Monday. The whole thing took 20 minutes.
Town Shop is truly the greatest bra store ever. It's the only place that'll even bother to help me get a strapless bra to fit -- everywhere else just says that it won't work.
Duuuuude...why have you not taken me to this place a beauty and wonder when I was in town?
I alway assumed they only had horribly expensive bras. It seemed unfair to wave a $70 Wacoal in front of a grad student.
It seemed unfair to wave a $70 Wacoal in front of a grad student.
Trudy? Is that you?
t pokes head
Are you in there? Are you feeling okay? Someone pretending to be you is declining to mention unmentionables and I fear you've been brainsucked.
just pricey unmentionables