Health-ma to your mom, Calli.
Job-ma to Stephen.
Like Beverly before me, I had to skip about a thousand posts, so I retroactively am happy for the good, and thinking general good thoughts for anyone what needs 'em. (And also hope this will suffice for having skipped).
Today, I had lunch with an old friend and caught up on all kinds of stuff, and then we went to Bath & Bodyworks and split one of their 5 items for $25, so I now have some lovely gardenia-scented product. Love gardenias.
Oh, and...
Temp guy Ewwwwwww
ditto that
Raq's picture Ewwwwwww
too scared to look at the creepy crawlies
Now that just's craxy. Or, maybe it's a Boston thing, but around these parts, you don't show apartments that early.
Not that I've ever heard of. She's claiming MIT students like to look at apartments before they leave for the summer, which... well, maybe. But I'm thinking she's not going to have any luck renting this place as is four months in advance. She'll have better luck with the last-minute desperate people.
Still waiting for a call from the hospital that mom is done and ready to be picked up.
Job ~ma for Stephen.
Feel better ~ma for Calli's Mom.
Pfft for vw & Emily's landlady.
I think I remembered to pay the rent. I hope I remembered to pay the rent.
How happy will I be when this crazy loop I'm stuck in at work ends? Very happy!
A school in Toronto called me for an interview, but I don't want to go to the trouble of doing a song and dance for them if they're really only going to offer what they've quoted as the salary, because I wouldn't accept it. I'm job cranky. Good thing my DH is picking me up in 25 minutes to run to the grocery store so we can have time to take our Monday night hike in one of the parks around here.
They called - I'm outta here.
beth has already offered the solution I'd choose. I might say "per our agreement" rather than "by law" but I'd go with the same general thing.
eta (Oh. Cool number.)
Stress is bad.
I don't even know why I'm so stressed out. I'm doing fine on my studying. I've finished up all my grading for the semester (yay!). I think there's just stress in the air around a college this time of year.
Also, apartment-hunting. Which is a bad idea now, I know, but I really don't want to have to still be paying this rent over the summer when I'm going to be out of town for six weeks.
Cass! Which eyeshadows??? I love love love the ones I have from there. Oasis and Palomino. And Camel, which I only have as a sample. But, TO LOVE!
Mink and
Mirage. I guess I only got two eyeshadows. It's a vain attempt to find something like Lacome's Cafe au Lait that I loved decades ago. I had to stop myself from buying *all* of them by remembering that it will take me forever to use them up.
Cerise and Wine in the lipwhatever.
And then five foundations because I want the *perfect* shade. The wee trials will be good for the three days a year that I have a hint of sun on my face as well.
My order shipped today too. This could be a dangerous site for me.
Neosporin, my old friend, you've come to soothe my skin again....
Mom of Cass just got to watch me have a fifteen minute meltdown which took off five years off my life, two knuckles worth of skin, put a splinter in a third knuckle and hopefully got the futon back together for at least the night.
I have washed and Neosporined the hands and have a Barenjager and tequila for my nerves. Oh, Plei! I found Barenjager! And the liquor store!
Also got the wireless working for mom. We are both plinking away on keyboards and sipping adult beverages.
::falls down exhausted::
Mom of Cass should peek in here so we can say "Hi!"
Or at least you should tell her we did.
Since your mom is there, I won't worry about extending first aid through the internet for the barked knucles.