Yep, it’s called “raisin” clearly, it does not match my skin, as I am not purple, but something about the tone is complementary, so that you can’t see it under anything. However, I think that the bastards at VS stopped making it.
Any time I find an undergarment that works well (either shape or color, or whatever) I always mean to stock up. It's like word gets back to the manufacture that I like it, and they can't have that.
Your raisin experience is similar to mine with the pale pink undies and bras. The color doesn't match my skin, but it works. An artist friend told me that even really fair-skinned white people have more [some fancy name for a yellowed tint maybe umber or sepia or I don't know what] yellow in their skin than any other color, even if you don't see it.
I can wear pale pink under white, and it is much less (up to invisible, depending on the over clothing) noticeable, than if I wore white.
I don't think I know anyone the color (or tone) of beige undies.
Are they the best non-visible choice for any Bitches, or for any certain ethnicity, as far as any Bitch knows?
Are they the best non-visible choice for any Bitches, or for any certain ethnicity, as far as any Bitch knows?
No idea, but I can say that I am yellow as all hell. Pale first (I get teased about being transparent a lot), but yellow under that.
I'm yellow on top of stuff. Yellow on top of brown. Light brown. They should have taken a look at me before they decided to call Asian people yellow.
I'm on the blue/pinkish side of pale, but most of my bras are black because most of my shirts are black.
Are they the best non-visible choice for any Bitches, or for any certain ethnicity, as far as any Bitch knows?
I wear the nude-colored bras all summer, and nude-colored underwear under white pants, and it works best for me. For reference purposes, this is most often the Target brand Gilligan & O'Malley stuff, since I am cheap as hell when it comes to underwear.
I'm fair, but I think a little more peachy than yellow.
AmyLiz is me when it comes to underpinnings. Which sounds porny, but is merely a testament to our joint thriftiness and skintone.
Um, I'm skin coloured. And I wear whatever bra happens to be clean. This can range from black to green to wine to polka-dot on any given day.
I'm on the blue/pinkish side of pale
So am I. The yellow undertones are far more common though, so it makes things like finding the right foundation more of an adventure than I prefer in my shopping.
Which sounds porny, but is merely a testament to our joint thriftiness and skintone.
My sistah!
Why is it that out of the few times I've posted over the last few days, I've posted about bras? I'm actually not that invested in my, as the lovely Robin says, underpinnings.
These days, I'm lucky if I can remember to put underwear on.
Heh. You really do reset your scale of exhaustion when you have kids. But then, this does explain why my own mother was tired, gray-haired, mussed and scatterbrained throughout my childhood.