Speaking of.... how'd it get to be 2:25am CDT?
Time Fairies. They flutter around stealing time.
The grain bags of heating are doing their job pretty well. I just keep rewarming them. Nuke (the bag, not my back or knee), rest, repeat.
And I got udder cream for my feet when I rampaged through Trader Joe's today. Which, for as long as it has been around, still sounds creepy still to me but seems to be de-hoofing them.
Fay, ja nice cut will likely cost you at least $40 at a decent salon in SF IIRC. I almost never get away for less than $60, which is why I don't go in all that often.
Moving to the Pacific Northwest from Southern Cal means I can get my hair cut at the swanky place and it's $40. I feel like I am getting a deal.
Also got a fabulous hair cut so I am happily going to pledge my troth to this new woman. I prefer serial monogomy in stylists but it's been a loooooong dry spell between ones I can commit to in all good faith.
The depressing thing about six loads of laundry? Only a load and a half are usable.
And those are guest linens.
The rest are curtains. That I can't hang cause I live in an apartment (that is hella private so I shouldn't bitch so much) now. But they will be clean to go live in storore.
To bed. I was nicely drowsy and then just had to finish up the last couple of minutes of stuff, which slayed the drowsy.
I touch the drowsy and it wakeses me.
I want the drowsy back.
I woke up my neck and sholders artekilling me . and there are pains randomingly appearing on the left sid eof my head . Bah.
Some kind of heating pad, beth? I am so sorry...
advil and a grahm craker taken. Found the heating pad - hopefully back to sleep soon
I just tried to wrentch the futon frame back into being. It is more than a one person job, requires some mystical hardware and I am giving up for the night. But all is not lost if the Angels of Gadgets smile.
I've a nuked heated pad. The plug in heating pad didn't survive the trip. I bow before the mighty microwave.
I hope all the west coasters are sleeping blissfully.
I think I might try to get my ass in gear and get to church this morning. It looks like a beautiful day out.
It's after two here and I'm just out of the shower. I also seem to have eaten a pile of olives for breakfast/lunch. Oh well, it's Sunday.