Lee, I am unable to comment on other people's hair as I am still undecided what in the heck I'm doing with mine.
I want a short bob that will make it easier to grow out, with betty page bangs that I'm going to have to bribr my stylist to do cause she says I'll hate them. She's probably right since I'm forever sweeping hair away from my face, but I want them.
I also want to go back to my bright bright red with blonde streaks for summer.
I am going through a style crisis.
I NEVER test, but I'm thinking you're good at 24 hours.
I never test.
and after muttering in the shower, bitching here, and chewing DSH's ear off about the restarant situation I have come up with basic idea of what I wish to say to friend c. and I may possibly even get him to talk to friend b, so that he knows how many people have negative feelings
Well, shit. It appears that our DVD player has died. It's only a year old. So, now we have no cable and no DVD player.
Aimee, I like the 2nd pair you linked, too, but that's probably because I could never deal with shoes over 3" high. If I negate that, I like the first and last pair.
I never test color, either.
Buff Diving today, I found the following quote:
PMM: I have a theory that any children we have will be short, round little things with a good deal of hair and large eyes. Fat lemurs, really.
Tickybox looks mothing like a fat lemur!
Hey Aims, how's you? How goes work? I'm sitting one of those screened outdoor patio things in a comfy rocking seat. It would probably be more pleasant if I weren't also in the middle of Home Depot.
I have new running shoes. Yay! But it's raining so I don't think I'll be trying them out today.
I am here, in sunny NC, with so many wonderful people. In my line of sight: smonster, amyth, amych, flea, husband-of and adorable-daughter-of-flea, beverly, calli, stephanie, insanely-cute-daughter-of-stephanie. We have all the cheese in the state (and half of that was in casper's mouth) and perfect weather, making the best spring activity: talkin' in the back yard.
I hereby decree that you must go around and hug every single person that knows me and tell them that it's from me. One of them must than hug you and tell you THAT's from me too.
Listen to me be all imperious. I'm like the queen of Home Depot.