I see the boy!
My math prof sister was telling me today that one of her students came to office hours to explain why she (student) couldn't concentrate on her math work. It's because her parents implanted a device in her brain when she was 14 to spy on her, but the device has gone haywire and now she can hear the conversations of a homeless man in LA.
That is a very common paranoid delusion for schizophrenics. My brother thinks his dental work was bugged for spying on him.
Dammit, I missed the Boy.
My sister encouraged her to go to the disability office for help with tutoring, extra time for exams, etc. Unfortunately, there's not much more she can do, since she recognized this was not her area of expertise.
Erin. You suck. I did not see the boy, because I was putting my kids to bed (late, on account of waiting for pictures of the boy).
There is no boy.
Every damn time I change the litter, the cat has to go in there and have a five minute digging party. I wonder what he's expecting to find with all of that digging.
Freak cat.
Does this mean I have to vacuum now?
I believe in the Boy, for my faith in Erin is great.
Or am I part of the conspiracy?
Well, I, too, believe there is no boy. He is only an image that my daughter implanted in my brain two years ago of a fairy penguin, so that I wouldn't question the dates she brought home.
What? Who doesn't like a well-dressed fairy penguin?
That is a very common paranoid delusion for schizophrenics.
That was my first thought, too, especially since it was a college-age person saying it.
My specialty exam is coming up in just a bit more than a month. Eek. I'm going to be OK, right? I'm not going to freak out, and if I pass it'll be great, and if I don't pass then I can study some more and take it again after the summer. And the professors wouldn't be telling me that it was time for me to take it unless they thought I could pass it. So I won't freak out. Right.
(Just needed some affirmation there.)
So I won't freak out. Right.
That's a very common delusion for grad students.
Hil, you're freaking brilliant. Your profs would be all over you if you weren't ready, trying to figure out why you weren't ready.
You're gonna rock.