I want a pair of pink camo capris to match my Chucks.
I linked to a picture of exactly those capris as evidence of exactly how Capris are work of the Devil.
Beginning to suspect the migraines are affecting ita's sanity.
legwarmers are worse.
Right On!
Definitely some brain damage.
They also transition to armwarmers.
Beginning to suspect ita's trying to damage my brain.
If your legs are cold from winter drafts, it's probably a issue of footwear not pants.
dying from laughter at the Princess Of Infinite Cuteness war
They were a little testy and fierce weren't they? Frankly, I think this is what comes of not having Miracleman around to pick on.
triple play?
The only thing worse than legwarmers is dressing up your pets. Yesterday I saw a guy with a little terrier in a sweater, tam-o-shanter and sunglasses.
Aimee, look at Pete, volunteering all helpful and such.
It's downright...dare I say it?
Oooookay. Apparently the Cindy/Aimee fight just became a three-way Cindy/Aimee/Pete fight.
Game on.
Ooooh! Lookit Pete getting shirty!
Ooooh! Lookit Pete getting shirty!
Stroppy. The correct term is stroppy.
It's quite sing-song isn't it?
Stroppy! Stroppy! Pete is getting stroppy!