Swedish party = bork bork bork. That, or fish.
Sophia, I'm glad you went to the doctor! AND had to elevate your foot! The other day I saw a GL summary thing in the newspaper, and I was shocked to recognize the characters' names. But Lizzie has a baby?!??!?
I am all full of Mexican food and margaritas. Life is good.
Spike showed the second c.s.i. ever at 6 pm - I'd never seen it before!
Sophia - so glad you saw your doctor and got antibiotics and get to lounge and watch daytime tv.
Tom - whoo hoo for new furniture!
Theodosia -- how sucky. I hope when you get there you'll find your old computer still ready for you.
Perkins! - Did you laugh bitterly with the paralegal?
Oh, and other good news - hardly any bleeding in my retina. Which is really good, as if there's too much they have to stop it with lasers, and that causes some permanent damage....
I want pictures of Tom jumping up and down on his new Swedish mattress.
I have no idea how the actual pictures will turn out (there will be actual pictures, right?), but in the pictures in my brain he is wearing patterned flannel pj's with little-kid cowboys on rocking horses shooting popguns. And there's a glass of milk and a plate of Oreos on the nightstand.
Or maybe a snifter of brandy, or just some good whiskey. The only thing I'm fussy about is the flannel pj's.
I like JZ's brain.
Some very bad pictures of the very good view from my New Office: [link]
Plus, I've been moved
so far away
from all the chatterers and kvetchers in the office that I may never see them again.
but in the pictures in my brain he is wearing patterned flannel pj's with little-kid cowboys on rocking horses shooting popguns.
I read this as "cowboys on rocking horses shooting penguins." With popguns.
You're so awesome, JZ.
I forgot to say, I bet I'm more excited for Scola's new furniture than he is.
Nice view, brenda! I was being preemptively sad about that fact that my new office probably won't have any windows, when my mother pointed out the true fact that in the Modern World, I should be grateful just to have walls that go all the way to the ceiling.
When do you start your job, Jesse?