Possibly along with your lj name, unless you just want to be a big old taunter.
Um, it's zmayhem.
My breasts have no hairstyles and, indeed, no hair. However, the Halloweenie, who is right now sitting upright a few inches beneath them with her face just northwest of my navel, is even now covered with a fine downy pelt. Hec describes it as the lemur phase of development.
Jheri curls and "Poodle" monikers isn't an association I'm familiar with.
Ok, I added you. Now you have no excuse.
Me, too. Now I can lurk in your journal along with a brazillion others.
Timelies all!
Tomorrow after work we head up to Balticon. Neil Gaiman is the GoH. I'm just waiting to see if the carpets in the Hunt Valley marriot are as hideous as they look in the pictures i saw...
Tomorrow after work we head up to Balticon. Neil Gaiman is the GoH. I'm just waiting to see if the carpets in the Hunt Valley marriot are as hideous as they look in the pictures i saw...
Having been there for a history conference a couple of years ago, I can honestly say that they are. But if I remember correctly, they did a good job with running and stocking the conference rooms.
Now I can lurk in your journal along with a brazillion others.
Nuh-uh, not if I don't have one!
the carpets in the Hunt Valley marriot are as hideous as they look in the pictures i saw...
Worse than you can imagine. Close your eyes!
And the food is even less appealing.
They remodeled the place fairly recently, and apparently decided to go with "acid trip" as a theme for the carpets. Really vivid colors in ugly patterns, like the worst of the 60s and 70s combined.