How to Make Your Own Ballistic Gel
Tommyrot got me all excited. After reading the site, I realized that I was thinking of unstable explosive, which can be made using the contents of the average under kitchen sink cabinet. I do not, unfortunately, remember the recipe.
Happy Towel Day!
(I'm quite chuffed that it falls on a Thursday this year.)
I love my new TiVo. Also this mango sorbet I almost forgot was in the freezer.
The Enron verdict is in, and will be announced at noon. I'm assuming that's local time. I can't even get the Houston Chronicle's website to load.
Edit: Apparently NOT local time.
Jeff Skilling and Ken Lay of Enron fame have been found guilty of conspiracy and fraud.
Jeff Skilling and Ken Lay of Enron fame have been found guilty of conspiracy and fraud.
Unfortunately, I can't get exctied enough to add an exclamation point.
Interrupting the disturbing Phelps talk to post a link to a website that was apparently created with the sole intention of making me go completely broke.
Vintage cookbooks. Guh.
Thanks for the link Jess, the question is do I pass it along to my sister, who collects them, or keep it to myself for future gift-giving? BTW, sorry I didn't get a chance to really talk at the F2F.
Classic novels given pulp covers: [link] (Can't link to the pictures directly. Link is work-safe. Actual pictures are not 100% worksafe - like the one for
Animal Farm
Something smells like vanilla....