sumi, I just started watching Top Chef the third to last episode but I was immediately caught up in it! And
echo your wooing and hooing. Although, Tiffani was irritating, for sure, but did she really deserve drunk sous chefs? Even though it didn't really seem to affect the outcome. I'm trying to work out what she did that pissed everyone off so much.
There were
hints of it in the reunion show but I'm wondering if I missed something big.
I have an Alias question, as I have now seen the finale.
Was it previously established that
Syd knew Sloane before he became her boss at SD-6? Because I feel like the show's been playing the relationship as though they've known each other all her life, but it still feels weird to me that she could have lived with him when she was 6 and not been like, "Hey Dad, I got a job working for your best friend, you know, the banker," when she got hired as a spy.
Alias: I'm not sure that we knew specifically that
Sydney had stayed with Sloan and Emily when she was small but she certainly had a relationship with Emily that seemed to predate her employment by SD-6. You know, at the time that they introduced the whole Emily dying of cancer thing.
Lisah: Top Chef
Well, Tiffani's unpleasant character kind of displayed itself throughout the season. Various contestants have said that what was shown on tv can't even compare to her behavior in the house -- which wasn't shown. Also, she is one of those people who come on to a contest and say, "I'm not here to make friends," and ,"People who know me, know that I'm a nice person." Neither of which ever bodes well. I think that she is somebody who wants to have control of every situation, has to be right and can't take criticism. (Did you notice at the Napa's Finest Challenge, how when told that various of the BEST CHEFS IN NAPA VALLEY thought that her pairing of the wine with the cauliflower didn't work -- she sounded at first like she was going to own up to a mistake and then DIDN'T? That was absolutely typical.
I don't think she's EVIL -- just unpleasant. Although she really
should have given Dave all credit for that dessert -- that was just wrong.
There is a Radium Springs is not far from where I grew up. Oddly, I don't know much about it, though I'm sure I've been there.
That was totally
wrong of her not to give Dave the credit! So she just accumulated bad will throughout the competition and it came down on her. It was so cringe-making to see her try to be all back patting and buddy buddy with everybody and knowing that there was such a dearth of good will she couldn't even get mad at Steven & Dave for being drunk. You could tell she really wanted to.
Oddly, I think Bush senior is turning out to be a decent ex-president. Certainly he's a better ex-president than he was a president (duh).
You know though, Bush the lesser is making Bush the senior look better and better.
I see a law has been passed to prevent protests at soldier's funerals from Fred Phelps, the least favorite son of my hometown Topeka.
Honda using brainwaves to control robot
A blob-like creature is invading Long Island Sound and posing a threat to its lobsters and other shellfish, University of Connecticut scientists say.
The researchers say they have found colonies of invasive sea squirts, blob-shaped animals that reproduce easily, on the floor of the sound.
I wonder if
Steve and Dave
would have
walked out
had she said anything to them about
coming in drunk.
Speaking of radiation, I saw a show where people were actually using a geiger counter to help look for ghosts. While I can't imagine why anyone would think ghosts would give off alpha and beta particles (not helped by the fact that I don't believe in ghosts), the idea of radioactive ghosts is somehow amusing.
the idea of radioactive ghosts is somehow amusing.
Or, if one were, say, either Clovis or MM, desperately intriguing.