Reading whitefont about shows I don't watch is so much fun. Much better than actually watching the shows, as I expect y'all are better writers than 90% of the crew of folks who get paid to do it.
Someone make me go to bed. I have to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow.
kat, where do you work now? Answer, then go to bed.
I work in the Bronx. On the 6. Just like J-Lo.
Now, I'm really going to bed.
I need to grab Alias from somewhere. My TiVo had other priorities.
Must avoid whitefont. Must stay strong.
I think Ozzie the cat is broken again.
When was Ozzie unbroken?
Pretty much never. But he's cute.
I have Alias that can go to vhs as I haven't worked out the record to dvd function just yet. Not that the postal service thinks I should send stuff to you, but there it is.
Okay, an hour awake is too long. Back to sleeping now.
Redressed the side wound and it seems to be doing nothing untoward. The "blossom" portion looks to be the worst. The runofthemill scratches are just deep scratches that will need some wee debridement tomorrow.
I know you've alternatives, ita, but ping me if you need Alias. I will be watching tomorrow and it's simple enough to record while I watch and then send the taped one on to you.