suede hot water bottle is sort of right - way hotter to the touch than I expected. and very fine soft fur. no nap . Epic used the word velour. very soft and warm. once you touch her , you want to do it again.
I still don't think of them as cats, but now I desperately want to pet one.
Yowch, Cass!
Aw, Erin, that's so sweet.
Yowch, Cass!
Her claws and interests in stalking critters says Predator but her skitterishness screams Prey. Dumb cat. Cute, but just so dumb.
The stupid should not be well-armed (clawed?), it leads to misery.
{{{Cass}}} Much healing~ma to you.
Erin, that is a beautiful post about teaching.
Erin, can I be in your class next year? I'll try to learn at least
Spanish cuss words so I can keep ahead of you....
Alias just employed a tool that I've been snorting about FOR AGES that would be in contravention of the stupidass TSA restrictions if they were worth shit. The under-fucking-wire!
Chingada tu madre, puta!
Or -- sure! Go back to high school! Apply liquid eyeliner whilst I am explaining the finer points of the semicolon's usage! I would welcome you.
Sara is mocking me with her timezone. I need Alias fun...
Chingada tu madre, puta!
know what that means, potty mouth.