Fine, Jesse. Dampen my joy.
Training still boring.
Cute guy at work tells me I look sad. I tell him I was aiming for angry. "That reminds me of a line from a movie...Serenity...'You'll know...'" he says.
"Oh! Mal and Simon! In the corridor!"
Demerits for not remembering the line verbatim, but dork points for getting that far, methinks.
Geek question: daemon is pronounced "demon" or "daymon"?
Cool. How did G's day go?
A noise outside just startled the cats. Kittenish was sitting next to me and gave me a little scratch on my side with her fleeing claws. Puppycat was snuggled on my lap. The wounds are much much woundier. Leg, side, breast are all bleeding and shred. I think the rib area is the only that will bruise or still hurt terribly still in a couple days.
I need a nap.
Cats are dangerous, yet I'm given crap about krav. Plus, no litter boxen.
Geek question: daemon is pronounced "demon" or "daymon"?
I've gone back and forth on that one, myself. According to Merriam-Webster Online, it's demon. [link]
And with krav? You are
to hit back. Not reported to the authorities for it.
Neosporin with the numbing shit in it is of the gods. I'll hit the bactracin later but I really needed the pain relief currently.
If you could toilet train cats, they would be uberpets.
Yay for Jesse!
Boo for cat wounds.
And, finally, from M-W -
Main Entry: de·mon
Variant(s): or dae·mon /'dE-m&n/
(which surprised me, because I thought it was DAY-mon)
I'm pretty sure we said demon in school, but the trainer says daymon.
Bah. I deny him.
I would have thought DAY, too.
Wave Merriam-Webster in his face. Or, your laptop with the page pulled up and the speakers saying "demon" in a monotone.
Or, maybe don't. I've been going back and forth between daymon and demon, with an emphasis on daymon, for years. Ah, fantasy, where the writers never use a current spelling when an archaic or variant spelling is available.
IIRC "dee-mon" is default English, "dye-mon" is Latin, and "day-mon" is Greek or Trekkie, and the true geeks spell it with the ligature æ "dæmon."