ita's week? Already ON THE LIST. Jeepers.
Allyson, you're all famous and junk. Yay for free advertising!
I sent an email at 10:30 this morning (est) to 3500 students. I had seven slots of free tutoring to fill. As of now, I've filled five. We're going to have a lot of cranky high school students tomorrow.
I upgraded my cell phone on-line. I have been waiting and waiting, and I have been trying to track it all weekend. I assumed that something went srong with my order, so no big. I would just have them cancel.
It turns out that it is being delivered to my old apartment! So the t-mobile lady said that all I can do is wait and see if the phone is shipped back to them, and then it can be shipped to me! So I ask what happens if the person chooses not to ship it back, and basically I will have to pay for the phone, extend my contract two year, and have no phone.
Which is my fault, becuase I confirmed the order-- I just assumed they had the right address because my bills come to the right address.
Anyway, I call UPS to see if I can change the shipping address. They are supposed to be forwarding it to local, and local will call me back. But although the website say "in transit" and the person on the phone said that it was out for delivery today, the website also shows an" Out for delivery" and a "destination scan" on 5/19. So the new people at the apartment might already have my phone!
I am wondering if I should drive to the old apartment and just see if they will give me the phone? Also the automated UPS phone thing is annoying!
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
I love that book, but it's still over Li'l Sphere's head at this point.
Sophia, I would drive by the old apt if you haven't heard back from UPS by the end of the day.
One of E.M.A.'s principals, Allyson J. Beatrice, is the author of the upcoming Source Books title Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby?, a collection of essays about fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I think I'm a little verklempt.
Allyson! You're famous!
The Cantankerous Cardinal is back. He's not just attacking the windows, he's scolding madly.
Hello, I just came back form visiting my folks, to find a gazillion co-op related messages. Oh, how we have the crazy.
I just skipped many, many messages.
I am wondering if I should drive to the old apartment and just see if they will give me the phone?
Sophia, unless the people in your place are axe-murderers, I don't see how it could hurt. Could you call your old landlord about it at least?
Yeah, Sophia, since you're still in the area, swinging by couldn't hurt.
Allyson! You're famous!
Dude, Allyson's been famous for years. Now she's An Author!!
Trader Joe's frozen fried rice for lunch. Verdict: eh. At least it's cheaper and less nasty than the take-out on the corner, which I occasionally have a craving for.
I really need to go to the post office, and I really really don't want to. I hate my post office!
I don't feel famous!
You know I just sent that to my mom and dad. And half my office.
Could you call your old landlord about it at least?
Actually, the house was sold, so there is a new owner in the bottom, and a new tenant up top. So, no numbers. I also left the apartment really badly due to not finding out before I even started cleaning that they were keeping my security deposit. So, a little embarrassed.