If I heard the Lord right
You know, pronouncements that you know God's plans are somewhat undermined by caveats like, "Now, I was doing something else at the same time -- you know how God goes on -- so I wasn't really paying attention, but I think he said..."
Also, now that he comes to think of it, God may not hate gays and unmarried mothers after all; it might have been days and unharried mothers. God's not much of a morning person, and after what a hard time he had with his firstborn, he's bitter about parents who seem to have it easy.
Great. I did put off most of the car repairs. Now I'm looking at thousands of dollars of "not covered" medical charges.
The week? She remains the same. At best.
That sucks ita. Lots of money-ma.
Maybe God has it in for Pat Robertson and keeps telling him stuff that will make him sound nuts.
The week? She remains the same. At best.
You need a change of luck. I recommend some luck changing ritual. Maybe you need to punch people in the face at krav in a different order or something. While hopping on one foot, and circling around your class chanting "Hinky pink a dinky dink."
Preferably while somebody is filming that.
Argh, ita. Your this week is Dead To Me. Next week? On Notice.
And you were alerted to all this by a store clerk?
I think not a clerk, a back-office employee. Not sure why they flagged it, but the account was opened in January, and they called in April.
I deserve sex, alcohol, and gifts to make up for this week. Instead I have a pain in my shoulder.
I have a pain in my shoulder too. We're pain buddies!
when "they" say something like "this wine has a fruity taste of cherries, with an oaky undertone"-- are there cherries in the wine?
All of that stuff Hec said, plus wine can sometimes pick up flavor qualities from the wood in the casks that the wine was stored in.
Oh, BTW, in TAR - what was the
sumi, that thing was called a palanquin.
The guy who ended up telling it to me stressed he didn't think it was funny.
If a joke just isn't all that funny, does it still get to be called a joke?