GA was watch from the hall in a lot of places. There were a lot of nice little telling moments (like
the Callie stuff mentioned upthread
) and I do get
Christina's reaction, which also was played out in her interrogation with the Chief.
But a lot of it just irritated me.
I'm still not quite sure where the Izzy whacko came from. Until the arrival of Denny, I didn't see it.
And I'm really really really glad that this aired this week, not earlier
because of the Doc stuff. I lost it bad last night, and earlier? I probably would still be sobbing this morning.
I also think I'm done with season finales. Well, almost. But I've still got a few left, and while I want to know what happens, I'm just sort of tired of tv. Honestly, I'm always amazed when I make it through a full season without burning out somewhere in the middle.
t singsong
Jesse's done with school, Jesse's done with school!
t /singsong
OK, anyone else read this headline
NASA to Look into NEO Threat Response Proposals
and go into a Matrix-y place?
('NEO' = 'Near-Earth Object')
Master Jesse, of the nervous-about-other-things.
Heh. Sad but true! I don't think I get to be a Master for reals until Friday, though.
I just read a couple of articles online by one of the people I'm meeting today, and he's very funny! So that's good. (Funny if you're in our field, so I won't link, because you all would look at me like I'm crazy. But I'm not!)
Okay I taped GA last night and now I'm wondering if I should watch at all. Reading the blackfont surrounding the whitefont it seems like the rest of the finale may make my head explode.
I don't think I get to be a Master for reals until Friday
So today you're still only a Mas?
Watch it, lisa. If you react like me, at least you can ff through the parts you need to.
If you react like me, at least you can ff through the parts you need to.
That's true. And I'm reading Cold Comfort Farm right now so I can use that to help me decompress after. It is hilarious.
Hey, I'm in your field. I think.