Enjoy it while you can, Nicole.
Enjoy? One of my girlfriends is calling me every single commercial break to ask me if I can tell her what's going to happen. And when I tell her no, then we talk about what *has* happened. Until the show comes on and then we hang up. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Okay, I still feel like I have been run over by a truck, but I must admit, these 3 hours are not my favorite GA eps ever. In the end, I think it was all a bit too much.
I don't watch GA. Next door friend does. She popped in for a second but said she couldn't stay because she had to get back for the show. I told her to sit her butt down and she could watch it here. (a loving gesture with SG-1 my usual Monday fare)
Of course she felt the need to explain all the stuff going on. I should have told her I read the whitefont and was well informed.
I had to skimmy skip skim and I see that today was a Happy Day!
Happy Birthday Megan! I hope it was a lovely day.
Happy Anniversary Zmayhems! And thank you for contributing to the population of cool kids. The news does indeed suck, but I'd rather not leave it to other people's kids to fix stuff. The future will no doubt be brighter with the newest Zmayhem a part of it.
Last day of Grad School!! Woo! Well done Jesse.
So much to do in my one day remaining before I take off for 8. At this point I think it will be 2017 before I get a nap.
GA's season finale was good. I realized that I like the small moments that define a character more than the big scenes that get all of the attention. Like tonight, when
Callie held Meredith for a second to straighten her dress and then gave Derek a look.
Seconds in the grand scheme of the episode, but so telling about the character. She has decided
to throw herself wholeheartedly into this family thing, and it shows.
I'm also glad that
Denny died. i was disappointed that he approved of what she did. It was horrible, and she needed to be punished for real, not in the karmic sense. This craptastic confession/redemption thing was bullshit. I'm glad she's gone. She did a good job with her scenes though.
I'm not sure how I feel about Christina. I don't understand this lack of emotion. I liked her line about I'm doing my best supportive girlfriend here, and you bring in medicine Shockingly, koreve managed to not piss me off.
I can't quite figure out why GA is awesome and doesn't suck. I guess it's actors + writing. But really. Shit. Fucking Meredith. Poor everyone.
Also, I love
Loretta Devine. Along with the entire cast.
Chandra Wilson is on Jimmy Kimmel, which I just started watching by accident. Cutehead Chandra Wilson.
Vortex -- yes! That moment between
and the Look towards
was just perfect.
PB: Wouldn't it be amusing if the only people who actually get away are
the psych guy on the bicycle
and the guy
in the horse trailer.
Whitefont keeeeeeeeeelled Natter.
Yeah, it was whitefontastic last night.
And almost none of it was about