making me really depressed about just why the fuck Zmayhem thought it would be a good idea to bring another child into this world.
Puh-leeze! If people didn't have children during the Black Plague then Europe would be one big, dispopulated garden right now. Hmmmm, maybe she's got a point.
People always get bent out of shape about the news. Historically, this is not such a bad time. No influenza epidemic. No WWII. No Civil War. No Black Plague. No fall of Rome. No slavery (not in the American South sense anyway). No lynchings.
Of course, this doesn't change the creeping sensation that Bush is gradually going publically insane.
During my nihilistic yout, my favorite professor said something that really turned me around. "Every generation has reason to believe it will be the last."
Of course, this we during the nuclear mayhem that sent me on the Great Peace March, (i.e. REALLY good reason to think we would be the last--dont' get me started on why we are even less safe now, but I digress) but the truth is, all through human history terrible things have either hung over our heads, or come to horrible fruition. cue Elton John But we are still standing.
A senior federal law enforcement official tells ABC News the government is tracking the phone numbers we call in an effort to root out confidential sources.
I'm thinking we're going to have to start breeding homing pigeons again.
why the fuck Zmayhem thought it would be a good idea to bring another child into this world.
If you don't reproduce, the world will be overrun with wee tiny neocons, who will turn into big bully neocons, and THAT will suck.
Happy Anniversary! And Happy Birthday! And Happy Graduation!
Sadly, all the links everyone's providing to indications of rampant and ramping-up major crazy in the current administration are making me really depressed about just why the fuck Zmayhem thought it would be a good idea to bring another child into this world. Or at least this country. It's just that I'm not sure that, at already closing in on 40, my fertility would have held out until the next Gore administration.
I've had similar thoughts, but no, I think it's actually a good thing for smart, liberal-minded folks to have more children. I realize that's rather eugenical thinking, but that's how I think these days.
Re: the whole invading Iran nonsense. Is there any chance Congress could and would step up with an, "Oh, hell no!" on that? In as much as the whole Iraq thing is really bringing their polling numbers down and it's an election year and all.
Is there any chance Congress could and would step up with an, "Oh, hell no!" on that?
I've been wondering the same. But I've seen nothing from Congress that suggests they might do this.
Oh, and I think the plan is not to invade, "just" to bomb....
If you're starting point is 'we can explain the origin of the universe without the supernatural,' that's a bias.
In other words, the only non-biased way to explain the origin of the universe is to rely on the supernatural.
The sound you just heard was Fred's head exploding. There will be a slight delay while we clean up the resulting mess.
The sound you just heard was Fred's head exploding.
Oh, I thought you were just re-enacting the origin of the universe for us.
Too bad Fred Pete's head wasn't Steady State....