Rove's resignation would be Fitzmas indeed. But I wish Cheney would have to resign, too -- that woudl be a great Day-After-Fitzmas gift, no?
I've been to yoga and grocery-shopped, so despite the fact that it's goign to rain cats and dogs (the weather guys on the local stations are actually building arks, last I checked) I'm feeling good about the day....
Jason Leopold writing for Truthout tells us that Karl Rove has informed President Bush that he is to be indicted in the CIA leak case and will resign immediately
Well my day just got brighter.
Xposted in Bitches, picture's from my son's 8th grade dance. Warning: May cause death from cute overload. [link]
Laura, thanks for posting these pictures! He's - well, past when I could say "adorable", but still not quite entirely a young man, not yet, no matter how tall he is. I like the non-posed pictures best - the one in which he's leaning and waiting, for example.
morning. I had high tea at the Ritz Carlton yesterday. FANCY!
today brunch at a diner. life needs balance.
morning. I had high tea at the Ritz Carlton yesterday. FANCY!
Very cool.
I need to do my laundry, but all of the machines are full.
Adds one more item to the reasons to buy a condo list.
So cute, Laura!
Aren't you Miss Fancy Pants Belle?
ita was our security guard last night at the LA Lakers charity auction thingy. Alibelle and I got lost and then pulled over for speeding by the cutest LAPD officer, evar. He gave us a break. Alibelle tried to give him an autographed glossy of the Laker Girls, but he said his grandma gave him one a few years ago so he's all set.
So that was my evening.
I like the non-posed pictures best - the one in which he's leaning and waiting, for example.
That was my favorite. It was tough to snap a bunch and get out of there quick before he was too annoyed with me. Luckily he was more eyerolly than annoyed.
That Al Gore bit was wonderful! I don't know how he managed to not crack up.
Just got back from the Container Store, which is really the most fun store ever. (Yes, I'm a freak.) I got a thingy shaped like a flower to put on my desk and hold notes, two boxes (one pink, one blue) to hold craft supplies and exercise stuff (free weights, yoga mat, etc), a hamper, a spice rack, a shower shelf, and a shoe rack. So far, the shower shelf isn't that good (the suction cup falls if I put more than one bar of soap and one half-empty bottle of shampoo on it), but everything else is working nicely.