It's 6 am. To maintain the Tom balance, I'm not going to work.
ION, some complete nonsense: [link]
UNIVERSE = 113, not a particularly significant number, or at least not one I recognize. On the other hand...
Boom! Now we're seeing the suggestion of light and multiverse combined.
Then I wondered how many dimensions are there to this Multiverse? Some quantum physicists have speculated possibly 10 or more. "More" may be the operative word here. Maybe much more:
20,736 = 144 squared.
Perhaps at this point things are coming into focus.
Perhaps... except, not.
Um, in the Spring, isn't shedding generally caused by warmer weather??
Telling from the ever increasing piles of dog hair in my house, yes.
I've seen the cat food ads suggesting the same thing. Do people fall for this?
BTW, for those that care: Animal Planet is repeating their Broadcast of Crufts in the middle of the day. I saw a little of the first hour last night - post Numb3rs and they claim to be having a feature on the Korean Jindo.
No, but I am tempted to throw puppycat into the dryer with a Snuggle sheet. Just to see if that might help with her projectile shedding.
If your puppycat doesn't mind (hahahahaha) being bathed. . . you might do that.
A friend of mine with a longhaired cat whose shedding/tangling problem became terrible had her cat clipped at the vets. I'm sure that the clipping process was traumatic -- but the cat LOVED having shorter hair. She became a happier more outgoing cat.
::snorting laughter::
Because I don't self-injure enough?
Maybe you can rub the drier sheets on ze puppycat? (My longerhaired cat Tanuki LOVES drier sheets.)
That is an excellent idea. Ima go try that.
eta: *That* was amusing. No idea how it will help with the shedding but she's quite fresh smelling now.
My dad used to use the dustbuster on one of our cats - she loved it.
Timelies all!
Yay for Mr. Kitty!
My cat sheds year-round.(One of her nicknames is "The Lean, Mean Shedding Machine")
In a little while we will be heading to a friend's house for a Jane Austen movie day.