Ugh, Jilli, that sounds terrible.
Burrell, I am confident you don't have the dreaded mom-hair. And I bet your kids are loverly.
That's good news anyway, right, Tom? Can you just stick an extra day onto the beginning or end of your F2F time off?
I don't want to do any more school work! Can't I just tell them all to fuck off??
I managed to get something really important done, but not tell my boss or the head of the other group. So when they were asked by the boss of the guy who I sent it to, they couldn't defend me.
On the upside, I did check my Blackberry e-mail when stuck in traffic, so when boss called on it, I seemed all up to speed (for someone who'd scarpered the office as soon as it looked like it was kinda 5pm).
Oy! I just forwarded the email with the standard web client, and it ditched the attachment. Now I'm going to look like a moron AGAIN.
Dude, three more days. Everything's due on Monday.
My Mom will be visiting my Brother in Charlottesville - taking a train after visiting a friend in NY. She has a number of airport options from there - but one that looks good on paper is taking a train to Union Station in DC and a cab from there to Dulles airport. Question: she is 84 years old with various minor medical conditions that keep her from carrying her own bags. How easy will it be to get help with the bags in Union Station in D.C.? How easy will it be for an old lady who has not been in big cities in years to get a cab from there? How long a cab ride is it from Union Station D.C. to Dulles airport anyway?
Just as well I have no info to help you, TB. Because my brain skimmed your post and thought it saw a math word problem.
I need a nap.
Gaaah. Down to 448 topics. And I've got 35 left before I hit my goal of finishing 163 for the day.
psst, ita's reading mathy...
It would be easy to get a cab at Union Station (they're right out front), not sure about the redcap to help with her things, but if she's on Amtrack, they should be able to hook her up, and it's pretty far to Dulles.
Typo, this page prices a cab from Dulles to Capitol Hill (where Union Station is) at $54. [link]