I'm kinda surprised that most Americans approve of the government examining their phone records.
Americans by nearly a 2-1 ratio call the surveillance of telephone records an acceptable way for the federal government to investigate possible terrorist threats, expressing broad unconcern even if their own calling patterns are scrutinized.
The intensity of sentiment on this issue is in the administration's favor as well: Substantially more people, 41 percent, feel "strongly" that the program is acceptable than the number who feel strongly that it's unacceptable, 24 percent.
I feel like such an utter fucking alien in my own country.
I feel like such an utter fucking alien in my own country.
Nothing new here, have felt that way since November 04.
The hell? And for once I was pleased to find it the lead story on the news this morning.
I was late because Mister Kitty has his checkup/curve today and they forgot to tell me to bring in insulin and theirs was ooky and they didn't have anyone to run and get some more, so I had to run to the pharmacy and get some more (faster than going back home) and run it back to them and wow, that was a lot for me to do before 10 am.
I want to see the math on the backwards light to figure it out physically (sort of) but I suspect it would involve a lot of stuff I've completely forgotten.
When you put together all the powers than the Bush Administration claims, it could label a peace group a terrorist organization, find out you have made phone calls to it, detain you with no court intervention indefinitly. Not saying this is happening, but all the pieces are there.
Anyone else still watching Survivor? I failed to set my VCR properly last night. Please to give a recap.
What should the online fans of Snakes on a Plane be called?
I like Motherfuckers.
If you look at the full survey results, there's a question about whether it is more important for the government to investigate possible threats or to respect personal privacy. In 2002, 18% said privacy was more important; now that's at 31%. So you should probably find those numbers heartening.
I think the media has really fallen down on the job here... if most people were made aware that this is the most radical administration in history with respect to its views on the limits of presidential power, I think you'd see a much higher level of concern.